Prayer Offered for June 16, 2022

Creator God, we acknowledge the 400 years of slavery endured by the people of African descent. We acknowledge the sin of racism that continues to stir up denial and violence in our midst. Hear our prayers for healing.

Creator God, we celebrate the strength of communities of color—who keep the faith, who keep the hope alive that healing is always possible, with respect for all, where every person can live securely in dignity and in peace. Hear our prayers for continued hope.

Creator God, we give thanks for the end of the enslavement of Your beloved people. Hear our prayers for the end of racism—prayers that move us to prophetic action, so that the promises of freedom will fully be realized for all.

We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

(Jane Deren, Ph.D.)   

Senator Kamlager, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
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