Prayer Offered for June 27, 2016

Holy and Loving God, We thank you for this beautiful day you have given us. Allow its warmth and light to fill the hearts of all here today with your love. Let its beauty remind them that they are good and faithful servants to the people of California.

We pray for all of those who were hurt yesterday here at the Capitol. We also pray for all who were demonstrating—that their hearts could be opened with love and compassion for one another.

Bless these men and women with courage to work together to be inclusive of all people here and throughout the state.

Give them the wisdom to know that it is love that conquers hate and helps people heal.

As they work together for the good of the people and the state of California—remind them to always treat each other with compassion, patience, and love.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Kelly Boutwell, Chaplain for Mercy Hospital of Folsom
Prayer Date: 
Monday, June 27, 2016
Prayer Status: 