Prayer Offered for June 29, 2015

            Today, I’d like to refer back to the prayer that Fr. Greg Boyle offered on December 1, 2014.  He gave us lots to reflect on so I “pilfered” a few of his thoughts as follows:

            The prophet Habakkuk writes: The vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and it will not disappoint.  If it delays, wait for it, for it will surely come (2:3).

            God of love and compassion, whose vision for us is kinship with each other, whose love is without measure and without regret, guide us to be in the world who You are- compassionate, loving, and kind.  Help us to measure our success not only in our service of those on the margins, but also in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship with them. May we continue to widen our circle of compassion so that nobody is standing outside that circle. Grant us this day and always Your way of seeing, so that we can obliterate the illusion that we are separate.  For Your vision still has its time and presses on to fulfillment.─AMEN. 

Prayer Offered By: 
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Monday, June 29, 2015
Prayer Status: 