Prayer Offered for March 12, 2015

           Gracious God, in the women of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, You have given us strong models for life and faith.

Sarah laughed at the thought of becoming a mother in her old age: grant us appreciation for the surprises of Your grace.

Deborah and Judith were fearless in facing the enemies of their people: give us courage before whatever threatens us.

Ruth proved the value of relationship and fidelity: may we be loyal to our friends and faithful to our commitments.

Esther endangered herself for the sake of her people: give us a share in her integrity and devotion.

Miriam danced before the ark: may we be joyful in Your presence.

Mary Magdalen, known as the apostle to the apostles, was first to testify to the resurrection of Jesus: may we speak our truth in confidence and joy.

Phoebe offered sacred and humble service as an emissary to the Church in Rome: may we respond to the needs of others regardless of their status.

Priscilla was a teacher and co-worker with Paul: may we offer our gifts for the common good.

And Mary, the mother of Jesus, pondered God’s mysteries in her heart: may we listen attentively to God’s unique call to each of us.

            May we find inspiration in the lives of these women.─Amen.

                                                            (Adapted from Morning and Evening Prayer of the Sisters of Mercy, 1998.)

Prayer Offered By: 
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Prayer Status: 