Prayer Offered for March 18, 2024

Our prayer today is from Psalm 20:

May the One who created you in wholeness

meet your needs when you call.

May the name of Love be your protection

and rise up in your heart as a tower of strength.

May all you have given in gratitude and with open hands

be returned to you a hundredfold.

May your heart’s desires and all you planned

be fulfilled in due season.

Let us shout for joy as Love triumphs over fear.

Let our thankful hearts sing loud acclamation to the Beloved

who answers our heartfelt prayers….

O Beloved, You have created us,

hear our call and make Your home in our hearts.—AMEN.

(Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill)

Senator Niello, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date