Prayer Offered for March 26, 2015

            Creator, One Who Is Known By Many Names, Maker of all things upon the Earth and of the Heavens, Mitakuye Oyasin, We Are All Related, Great Spirit, whose Voice we hear in the wind, whose Breath gives us life and life to every living thing, we offer our gratitude for our lives today; for the Sacred Breath we breathe with You; and for the reminder that we were intended when we were each created and we are intended now.

            Creator, we thank you for preparing us for such a time as this; for the honor and privilege of leading the great people of this great state; for the service you have called us to and for the opportunity to use the gifts and medicine You have given us to accomplish our mission today.

And so we pray, that You will guide us this day to hear what we need to hear, feel what we need to feel, listen to when we need to listen that we may truly hear, not just what is comfortable for us to hear, but in all the ways the suffering and the struggles of our state’s people are spoken. May we see in every issue that is before us today, the human being whose life is touched by this issue an then may we know deeply that he is, that she is, whom You have called us to serve; to affirm and to validate their trust and faith in our ability to serve the greatest good of all the peoples of California.

            May we see You in every being, in our brothers and sisters who serve by our sides, in those who assist us to accomplish our mission, in those who lead us and in those who follow us; and in every child of the Mother Earth. May we know that our service to our Humankind is the way we can be an Instrument of Peace. In the lovingkindness, the courage to stand for others, the in the compassion filling and spilling into the hearts of those we do not know; let us be brave of heart and faithful of spirit. May we understand, accept and embrace that in that moment, we are being called. And may we joyfully answer that call…

Waste welo, In the Name of all that is Good and Sacred, aho! And we all say Amen and─AMEN.


Prayer Offered By: 
Elaine Whitefeather, Executive Director of A Comunity of Peace
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Prayer Status: 