Prayer Offered for May 15, 2023

Gracious God, we desire You to be a God of joy, and so we ask ourselves:

What if God is joy?

…What if creating is God’s play,

and the big bang was an outburst of happiness

and the galaxies are spun from pure delight?

…What if Earth is God’s great celebration,

…inviting everyone in to feast and wonder?

…What if God doesn’t own a throne (most uncomfortable)

and has never handled a gavel,

but has millions of musical instruments?

…What if the work of justice

is to enable everyone to truly know joy?

(And would that not mean that cruelty and injustice

are most heinously sinful?)

What if even in our grief and our despair

the root of our being is joy,

and resurrection means passing through our sorrow

into God’s delight?

What if salvation means

being rescued from our inability to rejoice?

Why not...Do we think

that God is all somber and serious?

What if even now, as we consider this,

and [maybe] think it’s kind of silly,

What if…God is laughing...and waiting [for the culmination of our joy]?—AMEN.

(Unfolding Light by Steve Garnaas-Holmes)

Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date