Prayer Offered for May 23, 2022

We begin our prayer with a quote from Harvey Milk:

“You have to give the people hope.

Hope for a better world, hope for a better tomorrow…

Hope that all will be alright...

And you and you and you—you have to give people hope.”

Loving God, You created us in Your image:

Grant us grace to follow the example of Harvey Milk, that we may fearlessly contend with injustice and make no peace with oppression; that we may employ our privilege and our freedom in the maintenance of justice in our communities and among the nations. Ground us in Your love and in Your compassion to be agents of change and proclaimers of the hope that will never be silent. All this we ask in the name of the One who created us in love and called us to walk together in peace.—AMEN.

Senator Eggman, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
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