Prayer Offered for May 26, 2016

            There is a true story of an American man that wanted to explore Africa with the local people. He asked the elders to walk ten miles with him. They agreed. The next day he asked them to walk twenty miles. They agreed. The third day, he was so excited with everything he had seen, he asked the people to walk another twenty miles with him. On this day, they disagreed. They said, “We will not walk with you today, but we will walk with you tomorrow. For today, we are waiting for our souls to catch up to our bodies.”

            Let us pray: Gracious and loving God, we pray for all Californians who feel the strain of never being able to catch up. We pray for those who struggle with trying to make ends meet. We pray for those who are exhausted and weary over health issues. We pray for those who are present, but not fully present. Lord God, we pray for rest and restoration. We pray for our California senators today and for the deliberations that will take place in these chambers. May they help ease the burden and weariness of all Californians around this great state so that their way of living will bring life and not strife, hope and not despair, promise and not dejection. Lord God, help us all to be fully present to Your Presence.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Prayer Status: 