Prayer Offered for May 28, 2019

In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Our sustainer, our guide. Ever present, never unaware, infinitely able, Your servants in Your loving care. Guide us to pure convictions, then inspire in us the courage to match those convictions.

We pray for peace, not war. Love, not hate. Benevolence, not greed. Unity, not division. And we commit ourselves to not betraying our prayers with actions that contradict them.

Let us be for truth, no matter who or for is against it. And justice, no matter who or for it is against. And hope, no matter what obstacles lie ahead.

Fill our hearts, minds and souls with true love and compassion for the people we serve.

We ask that You protect us, and grant our families, loved ones, those who love us, and those who do not, and those who do not know love, love.

Guide the deliberations of the members of this chamber to just decisions, and guide our State and Nation to the abode of reconciliation.

May we honor one another, glorify You together, and inspire the world to be better.

With this, We ask that You accept this prayer from us. For You are the Most Merciful who accepts prayers.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Basim Elkarra, Executive Director of CAIR—Sacramento Valley
Prayer Date: 
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Prayer Status: 