Prayer Offered for May 31, 2023

The following poem by Rumi is dedicated to those who sometimes get tired of being patient!

Pay close attention to your mean thoughts.

That sourness may be a blessing, as an overcast day brings rain on the roses,

And relief to dry soil.

Don’t look so sourly on your sourness.

It may be that it’s carrying what you most deeply need and want.

What seems to be keeping you from joy may be what leads you to joy.

Don’t call it a dead branch; call it the live moist root.

Don’t always be waiting to see what’s behind it; that wait-and-see poisons your spirit.

Reach for it; hold your meanness to your chest as a healing root,

And be through with waiting.

Creator of All That Is, help us to know today that Your deepest desires are being accomplished in and through us.—AMEN.

Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date