Prayer Offered for May 8, 2023

Gracious and loving God, today we ask You to fill us with understanding and trust.

May we come to Understand

that blessings are everywhere,

that our attitude will effect outcomes,

that challenges are often gifts in disguise.

May we come to Trust

that most things can get better, with time,

that our instincts and gut feelings have value,

that a positive attitude makes things go smoother.

May we come to See

that we have many skills and talents,

that we are a positive influence on many people,

that there are those around us who wish us well.

May we come to Value

that today is a blessing to be enjoyed,

that each person is unique and important,

that each moment of our life has meaning.

We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

(Abby Willowroot)

Senator Menjivar, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date