Prayer Offered for September 12, 2019

The World Has Changed

The world has changed.

Wake up & smell the possibility.

The world has changed:

It did not change without your prayers

Without your faith

Without your determination to believe in liberation & kindness

Without your dancing through the years that had no beat.

The world has changed:

It did not change without your numbers

Your fierce love of self & cosmos

It did not change without your strength.

The world has changed: Wake up!

Give yourself the gift of a new day.

The world has changed:

This does not mean you were never hurt.

The world has changed:

Rise! Yes & Shine!

Resist the siren call of disbelief.

The world has changed:

Don't let yourself remain asleep to it.

 (From Hard Times Require Furious Dancing by Alice Walker.)


Gracious God of growth and change, we thank You for the accomplishments of the legislature, and for their ongoing commitment to pursuing liberty and justice for all.—AMEN

Prayer Offered By: 
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Prayer Status: 