Prayer Offered for September 3, 2021

As we leave our work for the weekend, let us pray this blessing on one another:

May a God of Transformation call you, opening you to continual renewal.

May a God of Justice comfort you, daring you to see the world through their eyes.

May a God of Abundance affirm you, nudging you towards deeper trust.

May a God of Embraces hold you, encircling you in the hearth of God’s home.

May a God of Hopefulness bless you, encouraging you with the fruits of faith.

May a God of Welcoming invite you, drawing you to the fullness of their expression in you.

And may a God who is present be with you, awakening you to God in all things, all people, and all moments.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered By: 
Senator Wieckowski, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date: 
Friday, September 3, 2021
Prayer Status: 