President Herbert Hoover said that “Wisdom consists not so much in knowing what to do in the ultimate as in knowing what to do next.”
The questions of right or wrong on the big issues of life are, ironically, often the easy decisions to make. It is the seemingly little questions, in the day in and day out of life, that determines who is truly wise.
As President Hoover said, wisdom can be found in simply knowing what to do next. Living in the moment, with the choice in front of you, with decisions to be made, now, in this moment, these are the times when we are tested, and this is when wisdom is demanded of us.
May the Holy One of Blessing guide us in our actions and give us the ability to live our lives with wisdom. May this be God’s will--AMEN.
09/04/2009 - Daily Prayer
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi
Prayer Date