Prayer Offered for March 18, 2021

May the God of Transformation call you, opening you to continual renewal.

May the God of Justice comfort you, daring you to see the world through God’s eyes.

May the God of Abundance affirm you, nudging you towards deeper trust.

May the God of Embrace hold you, encircling you in the hearth at God’s home.

May the God of Hopefulness bless you, encouraging you with the fruits of faith.

May the God of Welcoming invite you, drawing you nearer to the fullness of God’s expression in you.

May the God who is present be with you, awakening you to God in all things, all people, and all moments.

May God be with you today and always.—AMEN.

(Elizabeth Eiland Figueroa)

Senator Pan, written by Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date