As we continue to remember the contributions of women throughout the centuries, today we pray the prayers of Hildegard of Bingen, who lived in the 12th century:
O eternal Lord,
it is pleasing to You
to burn in that same fire of love,
like that from which our bodies are born,
in the first dawn before all of Creation.
So consider this need which falls upon us, [our need for peace and justice]
and relieve us of it,
and lead us in joyous prosperity.
O Shepherd of souls,
from whose first voice and
through whom all creation was summoned,
now to You, may it give pleasure and dignity
to liberate us
from our miseries and languishing.
O leafy branch,
standing in Your nobility as the dawn breaks forth:
now rejoice and be glad
and deign to set us frail ones free from evil habits
and stretch forth Your hand
and lift us up.
We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.