Prayer Offered for June 27, 2024

We are all in the same boat, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty.

(G.K. Chesterton)

Gracious God, in the urgency of our world context, below the violence and turbulence of the waves, help us to make evident our passionate commitment to ending all that leads to impoverishment, misunderstandings, and judgments of others. May our growing consciousness of the interdependence among us and with all creation, galvanize us in that loyalty that we owe to each other,

a loyalty of faith that entrusts our fears to the goodness of those who love unconditionally,

a loyalty of hope, that impels us to work for a sustainable future,

and a loyalty of love, that allows us to be faithful to each other, regardless of real or perceived differences.

For we know that Your love excludes no one.—AMEN.

Prayer was offered by
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM
Prayer Date