Upon invitation of the President, the following prayer was offered by Senator Stern, as written by the Chaplain,
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM:
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
(Psalm 34:18)
Gracious and merciful God, We pray for all whose lives have been touched by the tragedy of wars.
For those who mourn: immerse them in your love and lead them through their suffering into in your consoling arms.
For those who bring comfort: be present in both the words they use and in all that's left unspoken. Fill each heart with trust and love.
Help each of us to contribute to the peace that we so greatly desire.
Inspire politicians, peacemakers, and soldiers, hostages, relief workers with the energy and the determination to repair the world, so that all can experience compassion, sustenance, repentance, forgiveness, healing, security, and your universal love. May endurable peace emerge out of great suffering and great love.—AMEN.