I recently met a woman by the name of Sister Claire. When she was young, there was a teacher at her school that wrote many, many questions from the week’s reading and the students had to pull a question out of a hat and answer it. Sister Claire became so frustrated because there were so many questions that she could not get the right answer, but her best friend could. She asked her friend, “How is it that you keep getting all of these answers right?” Her friend confessed that she would memorize one question and one answer and when she would pull a question out of the hat, she would not recite the question on the paper, but the one question that she had memorized. Therefore, she would always get the right answer. Sister Claire thought about this and realized that there truly is only one question and that is, “What is the meaning of life?” And there truly is one answer and that is, “Love.” My dear senators, there is only one answer. And may all your debates, deliberations and decisions be made from this one place.
Let us pray:
Eternal God, we pray for our senators today and as they discuss and deliberate in these chambers, we pray that all of the votes and decisions that are made in this room be made from the place of love and the love of this great state and love for the betterment of all Californians. This prayer we pray, --AMEN.
06/05/2014 - Daily Prayer
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral of Sacramento
Prayer Date