07/01/2011 - Daily Prayer

In 1964 American poet and songwriter Bob Dylan
wrote about a huge change that was taking place in
the social and political core consciousness of our
nation. President Kennedy had been assassinated,
war was escalating, Civil rights advocates were
marching, freedom riders were being called traitors
by some, and we as a people were being forced to
Dylan wrote about this movement that was picking
up momentum. He wrote a call to action - an anthem
that was true then and is even more obvious now.

"Come gather round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown.
And accept that soon you`ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you is worth savin,
than you better start swimming or you`ll sink like a stone.
For the times they are a changn`."
Come Senators, Congressman and please heed this call,
Don`t stand in the doorway and don`t block the hall.
For he that hurts is the one who has stalled.
There`s a battle outside and it`s ragin`
It`ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.
For the times they are a chanqin`."
This morning I ask for blessings for you, those you
serve, and for wisdom as you work together to safely
guide us through these changing times that are
literally shaking our windows and rattling our walls.

Loving Creator - Divine Presence
We thank you for this new day and the work that is
ours to do. We are grateful for our capacity to think
and plan, dream and act; for our ability to make
things happen that will improve the lives of those we
represent. Thank you for the privilege and sacred
responsibility of being makers of history. May we,
the elect~d representatives of the people of
California be ever mindful of the needs of the less
fortunate among us, and the greater good for all
Bless our work and those with whom we serve.
Guide us along the path of harmony and justice.
May we always put the welfare of the people who
trust us at the heart of all. our endeavors and use our

skills to build a healthy and sustainable state and
Help us to treat each other with genuine respect and
seek fair and just solutions to the many problems we
Loving God known by many names, bless this
assembly of women and men entrusted with the
health and well-being of our beautiful state. Guide
them and direct them each step of the way this day.
Om Shanti, Shalom, Salam, Peace. Amen

Guest Chaplain, Rev. Michael Moran of the Spiritual Life Center
Prayer Date