Prayer Archives

03/17/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Father Madigan of St. Joseph's Church in Clarksburg

Once upon a time, a young man was captured by pirates and taken off to a foreign land where he spent six years as a slave looking after sheep. At the end of that time, he escaped and returned to his own people. Later, in a dream he saw the people of the land of his captivity calling him to come and walk once more among them. He returned to that people and spent his life telling them about the love and mercy of God who was his strength during those years when he tended sheep on the mountainside.
This person is St. Patrick and the following is one of his prayers:
May the Strength of God guide us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us.
May the Way of God direct us.
May the Shield of God defend us.
May the Angels of God guard us—
Against the snares of the evil one.
Today St. Patrick sends down a very special blessing on all the Irish followers—his 4 million people in Ireland—and his 42 million Americans who claim Irish ancestry. And lest you feel excluded from St. Patrick’s special blessing—be assured you are not. To everyone gathered here today in this august chamber he says:
As you slide down the bannister of life, for you may the wood splinters be always pointing away from you.—AMEN.

02/15/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

O God of Glory, we give thanks for this new day and for the call to service each of us is given in the time that is ours. We especially remember with grateful hearts your servant Tom Lantos. We thank you for giving him to us, and for the service he gave to the people of our nation; grant to him your peace, and may we not rest until all people share in the benefits of justice, freedom and peace.--AMEN

03/13/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

God of mystery and of wonder, So many of us when we are young set out to chart our life`s path, clear on our
vision of where we want to go, or where we want to end up, often starting down paths that are well worn by those who came before us. But life rarely goes according to plan, and if we are lucky, we discover that life`s most interesting and satisfying journeys are the ones we come upon by accident.
Ralph Waldo Emerson advised: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
May it be Your will O God that we not be afraid to forge our own path, to try novel solutions to old problems, or dare to explore new ideas. And by doing so, may we leave a trail that others yearn to travel.
May this be God`s will.

02/07/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Gracious God, we give thanks this day for our cherished right to choose our leaders. As this mosiac of democracy unfolds before us, guide the voters of our land in the election a president and other public servants. Give to all those who seek office the humility to listen, the courage to act, and the wisdom to know what is right in your sight. AMEN

03/10/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O gracious and glorious God,

Many of us search for a sense of meaning in our lives, a purpose to direct our days. If we are lucky we find a passion that feeds our soul.

A wise man once said: "If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you. (T. Alan Armstrong)"

May the Holy One guide each of us in finding our passion in life, and bless us with the ability to pursue our dreams each and every day. And through this pursuit of meaning, may we live each day more fully, filled with gratitude and joy.

May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

03/06/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O Source of Strength,

No one goes through life unchallenged by adversity. The real test however, is rarely the problems that we face, but rather the test is how we face our problems.

The 20th century philosopher, and Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl observed that "everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms-to choose one`s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one`s own way."

The ultimate freedom in life is that we can define who we are by the way in which we confront the challenges that we encounter each and every day.

May it be Your will O God, that regardless of what challenges might befall us, we always choose to live a life of integrity, and in accordance with our highest values and beliefs. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

04/28/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Senator Roderick Wright

Good morning Senators and guests. This is our first week back from our spring recess. For members of the Christian faith we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the foundation of Christianity and the most important of all observances. For my Jewish brothers and sisters, this was the time of Passover, which commemorates the story of Exodus in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. For my Islamic brothers and sisters it is the time of the “Night of the Journey and Ascension,” the time when the Prophet Mohammad ascended into heaven where he met Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. As much as religion differs, I am often astounded by the similarities.
This morning I would like to take a moment to reflect on the many challenges before us. Iyanla Vanzant the award winning author from her best-selling book “Acts of Faith” quoted the very secular Henry Ford when he said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a process; working together is success.”
Whether in business, government or personal relationships, what makes working together so difficult is our individual need to be right and to have things our way. As long as we have a position to hold on to we cannot come together or work together. If we are not willing to bend, we will somehow get in the way. We must get clear about what we are doing, why we are doing it and who we are working for. Only with an honest examination of our motives and intent can we surrender to any working or productive process. If we enter any collective agreement for only personal goals and with mental garbage, the stability of the group is jeopardized by our dishonest foundation. If we come together in honesty, work together in clarity, we can stay together with respect and meet any goal successfully.
May the spirit of the living God guide our steps. May the welfare of the least of those among us be the goal of our efforts and the definition of our success.
May this be God’s will--AMEN!


04/25/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Each day is a new adventure, with opportunities waiting to be explored and new paths to venture down. Most of our greatest rewards can be found not at our final destinations, but in our relationships and interactions along the way.
May the Holy One of Blessing help us to find meaning in our journey and as much joy in our travels as in our final destination. May this be God’s will.—AMEN

04/14/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Father Vahan Gosdanian, Pastor Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Fresno

Almighty God.

We thank You for granting us this day to gather here at the California State Capitol to join the State Legislature in commemorating the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

We come before You this morning with a humble heart, praying for the repose of the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide, and for all the innocent men, women, and children, who were subjected to similar atrocities throughout history. We pray also that through proper recognition and justice, that the souls of all victims will one day truly rest in peace.

Today we have come here as citizens of humanity, as brothers and sisters of differing faiths and ethnicities but who are united in a common cause and purpose of freedom and dignity for all mankind. We beseech You to bless this gathering of honorable and admirable leaders who have designated this time to pay homage to our martyrs.

Bless our Governor and the members of the California Legislature also for their continued support and encouragement of our cause. Lead them in their mission as guardians of public interest and guide them as the serve the best interests of our beloved golden state of California.

We thank You for Your bountiful blessings--AMEN

04/11/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Giani Ranjeet Singh

O Almighty, All Pervading and Eternal God:

To Thee, I pray, O Lord: Thou art my True Master; Thou art my Protector ever, I dwell upon Thee.

Save us all, O Father, from Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment and Pride; and keep us always attached to Thy Feet. Bless us all with the eyes of the Mind to see you present in all human beings, your own images, and enable us to love you and pay due respect to all without any discrimination on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender and color. May Peace, Accord and harmony prevail in the world in place of unrest, chaos and tyranny.

The California Senate is passing an American Sikh Day
Resolution. Senate President pro Tem Darrel Steinberg has been of utmost assistance to the Sikh Community during this painful time when Mr. Surinder Singh was fatally shot.

Almighty God, we ask that You bless Senator Darrel Steinberg and all other California State Senators, give them the strength, and guide them so that they can help the Sikh Community and all other religions during their time of need.

O Almighty God, we beseech Your assistance and blessings. With full faith in You, O God-Guru, we bow before You repeating Nanak’s words: “With the glorification of Thy Name, May all human beings prosper with Thy Grace.”

“The Khalsa belong to God, and the Victory belongs to God”

“Those who praise God shall be in bliss and happy, and eternal is the timeless Lord”

04/07/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

So much of our lives is governed by the calendar, and deadlines that always seem to be looming. Nelson Mandela taught that "we must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right."

Every day is full of possibilities if only we are open to them; opportunities to perform acts of kindness and compassion, and to bring healing and justice into our world.

May the Holy One, the Creator of all humanity, open our eyes and our hearts to the needs of others, and inspire us to use every day wisely, and to make the time to do what is good and just.

May this be God`s will. AMEN.


05/31/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

An ancient Greek philosopher taught that “a good man or woman does nothing for the sake of appearances, but for the sake of doing right. (Epicetetus)

At the end of our lives, when we meet with our Creator, we will not be measured by the newspaper articles or the sound bites, or what we appeared to do. No, what we will be held accountable for will be our choices in life, our actions, as well as the motivations behind them.

The true measure of character comes not in blithely dismissing the importance of appearances, but it is in the very act of knowing how important appearances are and still taking a stand simply for the sake of knowing that it is the right thing to do.

May the Holy One of Blessing, our Creator and Judge, grant us the ability to always discern the right path, and give us the fortitude to walk down it. May this be God’s will--AMEN.

05/27/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

As we enter into the Memorial Day weekend, let us take the time to stop and remember the generations of Americans, from our founding to today who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and our ideals.

This morning I would like to offer a prayer given by Rev. Torrance Phelps, the Assembly Chaplain in 1945. This was his prayer on May 2, 1945, just days before the war in Europe ended.

“God of the Soldier:

We pray today for the Infantry men in this terrific struggle, who bear the brunt of war, and who, after bomber, artillery, and tanks have blasted a path, must win the last bloody battle.

Let us see them as they come with the flush of youth, fresh from schools, the office, and the shop with never a thought of killing and never handled a rifle, and have become the most effective and victorious servants of democracy.

May we see that they have no chance for spectacular acts, but often, caked in mud and creeping through jungle and over mined terrain, they fight man against man, and mortal against mortar.
Let us behold them as they contest with the foe, yard by yard, and rock by rock, and dig in fox holes, or wade through rivers or climb steep hills and dash from crag to crag to win a height.

May we hear them at this moment, marching, often weary and foot sore, marching in every part of the globe, marching through Europe, and through the South Seas and the Orient, and an unknown number marching on and out into Eternity.

And now we pray that the Faith of their youth may uphold them, that the love of their families, wives, and sweethearts may warm their lonely hearts, and the love of democracy fire them and make them the conquering hosts of freedom.”

Let us remember through this prayer offered in the midst of a war, all those who lost their lives so that we might be free, and let us pray that the time will be soon where there will be peace throughout the world, and all of our soldiers may come home safe. May this be God’s will. -- AMEN.

05/23/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The well known author, Madeline L’Engle wrote that “the great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.

Getting older does not have to mean loss. Rather, it means collecting a rich store of age bound experiences. Each of these ages offers us an ever growing capacity to see and understand the world through the unique lens of a particular stage of life.

Within each of us is a six year old, a teenager, a young adult just starting out on our own. Those parts of who we are are never fully gone. If we let them be, these past experiences are resources of enthusiasm, hopefulness, and wisdom.

May the Holy One of Blessing enable us to see within ourselves the accumulation of life, not the passing away of time. May this be God’s will--AMEN.


05/19/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The great 20th Century American, Marian Anderson spoke about the effects of prejudice on an individual. She observed that "as long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it
means you cannot soar as you otherwise might."
Her observation teaches us that two people are hurt by prejudice, the oppressed and the oppressor. It takes energy to suppress another human being. Energy that might have been used to create instead of destroy.
May the Holy One, the Creator of all humanity, enable us to direct our energy in such a way as to elevate ourselves and others, and may we learn to work in partnership with those whom we do not always understand. May this be God`s will--AMEN

05/16/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O great and glorious God, throughout the millennium humanity has turned to you and asked how can we live a life of meaning? Your sacred text teaches us that it is not through acquiring material wealth or social status. No. You have taught us that to live a life of meaning, a life imbued with holiness, we must strive not only to improve our own lot, but the lives of others as well. To care for the poor, the widow and the orphan, to remove stumbling blocks before the blind and create a society governed by fairness and compassion, this you have taught us is the path to meaning and holiness.

May the work of our hands and the meditations of our hearts be ever directed towards creating a better and more just world. May this be God’s will--AMEN.


05/12/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The great American poet, Edward Arlington Robinson wrote that there are
“Two kinds of gratitude: the sudden kind
We feel for what we take, the larger kind
We feel for what we give.”
It is such a simple piece of wisdom that most of are taught as children - it is better to give than to receive. Life’s most lasting rewards come not from those occasions when we take from others, but when we have the opportunity to give wholly and unselfishly of ourselves.
May it be the will of our Creator that we always be so blessed as to be in a position where we can give more than we take. May this be God’s will. Amen.


05/09/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

great Chinese philosopher once taught:

If you would live greatly,
never think to make your words sincere,
your actions resolute,
simply speak and do what is right. (Mencius)

When we listen to that still small voice within us, when we allow ourselves to follow our intuition, we more often than not find that the ability to speak and do what is right flows naturally from within.

We turn to the Creator of us all, and pray that justice and righteousness will be reflected in the way we live, in the words we speak and the deeds we do. We pray that all these things will be ways for us to heal and not to hurt, to comfort and not to afflict, those who we are here to serve.

May this be God’s will--AMEN.

05/05/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of the first Freedom Ride that went from Washington, D.C. to New Orleans. The Freedom Riders were black and white civil rights activists who rode public busses across state lines to try to bring an end to segregation, and to see that the law of the land was enforced.

The Freedom Riders reminded us that as Americans, our fate is intertwined with one another. That it should not matter where we live, or what color our skin is, or how we pray, our country is one nation under God, and should forever stand indivisible with liberty and justice for all its citizens.

We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, and give thanks for the freedoms we too often take for granted, we give thanks for those who have fought for, and even laid down their lives for, the rights given to us by God and the Constitution. May their sacrifices always be remembered and never taken for granted. May this be God’s will--AMEN

05/02/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O Gracious God of mercy and justice, we stand before you today united in pride for our country and with a profound sense of gratitude for our men and women in the armed forces who each and every day put their lives in harms way to protect us and the freedom we treasure.

Through your prophet Isaiah you spoke to us saying “Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)”

We also remember at this time all those who have lost loved ones throughout these many years from the senseless terrorist attacks on innocent lives. We pray for their families that they may find solace in the knowledge that the one of those who was responsible for their pain has been brought to justice.

May You have mercy and compassion on all of our armed forces, may you bring healing to those who mourn, and may you bring peace upon us and all the world.

In Your holy name--AMEN.


06/28/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Senator Mark Leno

The Bible teaches that when the Israelites stood at the shore of the sea with Pharaoh`s army at their back, they felt trapped, looking forward or backward, they were unable to see a way out of their troubles.

But in a show of faith, Moses put his staff in the water and began to lead his people through the water towards the other side. The faith they had in what they could not see was rewarded by the waters opening up, revealing a path they could not have imagined just moments before.

We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, to continue to provide paths forward, to guide us on our way, and to open up opportunities for peace and prosperity for all people.

Baruch Atah Adonoi, Elohei`nu
Melech Ha`olum, Sh`a`sa`li
Kol Star`Key.

Blessed are you Creator of the Universe, who has provided for me all of my needs.-AMEN.

(Rabbi Mona Alfi prayer-adapted)

06/27/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Senator Roderick Wright

Members and guests we are in the throes of a fiscal crisis that is challenging our collective intellect and personal resolve. And as of last week it is even challenging our wallets. While we work through the policy decisions we were elected to make, I would make this request of every senator and staff member: At the end of the day we all represent California. And while we might differ on the approach, none of what we do should be taken personally. I believe we all truly love California and want to see it prosper; we just have dissimilar ways of getting there.

Motivational speaker Dr. Dwayne Dyer raised this idea when he said:

Consider those whom you call your enemies and figure out what they should call you.

You cannot choose sides in a round world. You are either in it, a part of it, or you are off. When you have enemies you are a part of the very things you accuse them of. An enemy opposes your interests or position. An enemy is hostile, unkind or unfriendly. And what are you doing while all of this is going on? If you consider them your enemy how can they approach you to get things clear? You are in the middle of what stands between you and your enemy. It is not what they have done or said, can do or might do. It is YOU. It is your thoughts, your judgments, your fear, your condemnation, and if you did not feel guilty you could not attack those you call your enemy. You believe the enemy is wrong, not to be trusted, unworthy of love; you prepare yourself for the defense, projecting onto the enemy the very things you do yourself. When you have an enemy, look at your own hatred, understanding how the hostility disturbs you and ask yourself: Do I really want to attack the very thing I fear?

In the book of New Testament, book of Mark, Jesus was talking to the disciples when John said to him: "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to prevent him because he was not following us."

But Jesus said, "Do not hinder him, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in My name and be able to soon afterward speak evil of me."

For he who is not against us is for us.

I pray today that as we deliberate we remember we are not against one another, that we all love California and truly want to see it prosper. There are no enemies here, only servants trying to serve.

May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

06/23/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Georgia Prescott, Center for Spiritual Awareness

As we turn within this day to be present with the Divine Intelligence called by many names: God, Allah, Elohim, The Atman Brahman presence, Sacred Grandmother Tree, Creator and more, we do so with a grateful heart. Simply, we bless these proceedings and all the senators and staff here, affirming that whatever needs to be said today is said and
whatever needs to be heard today is heard with respect and a firm commitment to lead this great state of California into a secure future for all its citizens.—AMEN.

06/20/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dexter McNamara, Partners in Care

Author Azar Nafisi writes about what he calls a certain kind of “careless people…
those who see the world in black and white…drunk on the righteousness of their own fictions.”
Please join me in prayer.

God of the ages,
God of all people…
You call each of us to live in the here and now
--and to make the most responsible decisions we can based upon
…the best information available to us
…and based upon our own most cherished values and principles

Help us to be faithful to those values and principles.

But also remind us that adamantly held values and principles may lead us to uncritically believe in fictions and illusions, regardless of the facts.

As the good men and women of this Senate go about the difficult job of giving leadership and direction to this great state,
I pray that they would have the strength to stand firm in their convictions…
And I pray that they would have the humility and the decency to work honestly and openly with those whose convictions may be different than their own.

May they work for what is best for the people of this wonderful and complex state…
…not simply for their own constituency or their own political interests.

I pray that their most compelling principle will be to find realistic and compassionate solutions to the challenges confronting us.
May they have open minds and open hearts.
Help them to be faithful servants of the people of this state.
This I ask in your Loving Spirit--AMEN.

06/16/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

President John Quincy Adams once observed that “the happiness of every age is chained in mutual dependence upon that of every other.”
Success in public service is dependent on the understanding that what we do, the decisions that we make, the actions we engage in, not only affects our happiness now, but has repercussions on the future as well.

O Holy and Gracious God, may we live each day by Your example, with compassion in our hearts, and courage in our actions. May the work we do now be seen as a blessing by those who come after us. May this be God’s will. Amen.

06/15/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Pastor Shane B. Scott, MDiv., Saint Rest Baptist Church, Fresno

Dear Precious Lord, gracious God,
You are the Absolute Being, All Knowing, All Powerful, Almighty, and Creator. Your greatness is marvelous. Your rule is supreme and your presence is magnificent. It is because of you that miracles happen daily. Marriages are formed, babies are born, children are adopted, and the elderly are being cared for. And I thank you; we thank you. Your love is incomparable and incorruptible.
Lord you are a liberator. Thank you for being a Liberator who cares for His people, His children and His creation. So much so that you even emancipated persons of color who were once unethically and immorally held in bondage under the evils of slavery. We come here this day, at this time and at this hour commemorating the announcement of liberation. And we are thankful for that announcement. That announcement proved the existence of a loving and caring God who disapproves of systems of oppression. And for that, we thank you.
God, we ask that you bless those under the sound of my voice as they seek to govern our great state. Please provide for our governor and state leaders wisdom and compassion as they serve even the least of these. Remind them that they must choose righteousness over being right; and love over hate.
Bind us together. Make us one. Provide strength, stamina, and stability as we proceed into the future.
In Thy Name and in the Names of Freedom Fighters who have Gone on before us,

06/14/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Cantor Julie Steinberg

The men and women of this house are on a difficult and lonely road. These are extraorindary times and hard decisions have to be made: Decisions that are a heavy burden to mind, conscience and spirit. These are times when often the only unbiased advice, the only solace and comfort comes from family.

As you work to lead California, I pray that you find the strength you need from your families. I pray that having them standing by your side provides you with comfort. I pray that the support they give you helps you make wise decisions. And I pray that knowing they are there with you enables you to lead California with compassion and foresight. God bless you all.

06/13/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto

There is a true story about a boy who was selling goods from door to door to help pay for his school supplies when he found a thin dime. He decided that he would ask for a meal at the next house, but when the woman answered the door he just asked for a glass of water. Instead of water, the woman returned with a large glass of milk. Years went by and the woman became sick, and her doctor took very good care of her. She was nervous to receive the bill, but when she opened it up, it said, “Paid in full with one glass of milk.” Signed: Dr. Howard Kelly.

There’s a saying that says: "Bread cast on the waters comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place."

Let us pray:

Eternal God, we pray for our California Senators today. May they know that the good deeds they do today will ultimately benefit us all in the days and years to come. We pray for their deliberations, we pray for all Californians, may we have hope for a better day, and we pray for the bread that has been cast upon the waters. Amen.


06/11/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto

Many of you may have heard the story of a woman who would have Sunday dinner with her grandmother every week. The grandmother was a phenomenal cook. Yet the woman`s favorite part of the dinner was when the dishes would be cleared and her grandmother would say, "Keep your fork" because it meant that something better was coming . . .

Let us pray:

Eternal God, We pray for our California Senate today. And as they deliberate, may they hold onto their forks, and help the good people of California know that what happens in the chambers today and going forward, that the best is yet to come.-AMEN.

06/10/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto

Eternal God, There are many Californians today who are feeling broken. We pray for those who are unemployed, we pray for those who have lost their homes and we pray for all of us who are trying to figure out how to make ends meet. We pray now for our California Senate in their deliberations. May the work that they do here today bring light where there is darkness and hope where there is brokenness for this great state of California. This prayer we pray.-AMEN.Let us pray:There once was a young man who was stricken by cancer and as a result he lost his leg. Understandably, he was very angered about this. So he decided to see a counselor who did some art therapy with him. The young man drew a picture of a vase with a big black crack in it because that`s how he felt about himself: broken. Time went by and deep healing began for him and a year later his counselor showed him the picture of the vase with the big black crack. Taking a yellow crayon, the young man said, "This picture isn`t finished yet. You see here where the crack is? . . . "This is where the light shines through." Then he colored a bright ray of light.

06/09/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto

As someone once said, "We are always connected to God. The question is: how corroded is the link?"

Let us this morning take the time to clean out the corrosion, clear our minds of the things that distract us, listen for the "still, small voice" of wisdom, and become more present to The Presence.

Let us pray: Gracious and Loving God, We pray for our California Senate and for the deliberations they are about to embark upon today. May they be strengthened in good spirit with each other and mindful of Your Presence.

This prayer, we pray, and all of God`s people said: AMEN.

06/06/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Senator Roderick Wright

Members and guests we are being challenged with a fiscal crisis the likes of which has never been seen in California. Sometimes we see only despair and question whether or not we can find a workable solution.

Consider this:

"The bumblebee`s wings are so thin and its body so big, it should not be able to fly. The only problem is-the bee doesn`t know that." I saw this quote from author David Lindsey in spiritualist, Iyanla Vanzant`s book, "Acts of Faith", that I felt captured the essence of what we face.

Ms. Vanzant continues:

"Most of us don`t know what we cannot do until someone tells us. We are willing to try almost anything, go anywhere stretch ourselves to the limits in pursuit of our dreams. And then we talk to other people. We are reminded of how dangerous it may be, how ridiculous it sounds, what a chance we are taking. People have no problem informing us of all the downsides and pitfalls; they cannot see how we will ever reach the goal. They put us in touch with our faults, limitations and habits. They remind us of all the others who didn`t make it, and in vivid detail they tell us why. They give us warnings, cautions and helpful hints about alternative things we can do. When they are finished, we have been effectively talked out of our dreams. Bumblebees do not talk and neither should we. If you have a dream you want to come true, the only way to it is through it. You must take a chance, a risk and a leap. If you believe in yourself and your ability, you will be taught how to fly."

This morning I pray that just as you provided blessings to Daniel facing the lion, and Moses facing the Red Sea on one side and Pharaoh on the other, and as you did for Sarah and Abraham when they received Isaac, and as you did when you raised Lazarus from the dead, so also, on this day, as we seek your divine guidance, you bless us to allow us to transcend all obstacles in order for California to fly.

May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

06/02/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Terri Miller, Valley Ministries Metropolitan Community Church of Stockton

El Shaddai, Creator of all, We join this day seeking Your guidance and wisdom in the decisions that must be made. I pray, God, You would be with our Senators and staff as they work toward shaping liberty and justice for all-making liberty and justice more than just words that are spoken. I pray that their actions will be actions that include rather than divide, build up instead of tear down, and bring unity instead of division. Remind them they represent all people, from every race, religion, and walk of life-even those who are questioning who they are. Teach us, almighty God, to rise above our own limitations to create a state that is big enough for those with whom we may differ. We ask blessings and encouragement along the way knowing that the journey traveled may not be the same as the journey You challenge us to live today.

In Your many names, we pray.-AMEN.

06/01/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church of Esparto

Warren Walker spoke of the desire within each of us to experience what is real and what is sustaining. He observed that “there is deep-seated in the make-up of the ordinary person a craving for flowers that do not fade and pleasures that do not pass away. Deep down inside of every human being there is a desire for the genuine - the lasting quality of real life.”

For those who choose a life of public service, opportunities abound to leave a lasting mark on our world, to have an affect on the quality of life for ourselves and for others, and to connect with the world in a deeper and more lasting fashion.

May the Holy One of Blessing grant us the ability to experience every day with a sense of wonder, and to find moments of transcendence where we can encounter what is Divine and Eternal in our world. May we be blessed to see the beauty that is sometimes hidden in our day to day lives and may we experience the lasting quality of real life in the work we do each day. May this be God’s will--AMEN.


07/14/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Georgia Prescott, Center for Spiritual Awareness

We give thanks for this place called the Senate today and thanks also for the Senators and staff who work so hard for a prosperous and harmonious California.

May there be wisdom in this place, but especially may it be a place where the men and women become aware of the Divine wisdom in themselves.

May there be creativity in this place but especially may it be a place where the men and women allow the natural creativity that is within them to flow in answer to this State’s challenges.

May there be patience in this place but especially may it be a place where women and men find the patience within to listen to each other with respect and honor.

May everyone come into this senate with expectation of success and go with thanksgiving.



07/11/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dexter McNamara, Partners in Care

William Least Heat-Moon wrote:
“Most of the time it’s too late to turn back
once you understand you should turn back.”
Please pray with me.

Loving God, may we earnestly endeavor to have strength and resolve,
But also to have wisdom and prudence.

May we not allow our strength to keep us from seeking solutions,
And may we not allow our resolve to keep us from seeking resolution.

May we have the wisdom to realize that our way is not the only right way
And may we have the prudence to listen with open minds and hearts to other ideas and approaches.

Amidst the clamor of competing voices urging us this way or that,
Let us heed the prophet Micah’s message that what you desire from us is that we do justice, and love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

May the good women and men of this Senate be reminded that they are servants,
Here to serve the needs of all the people of California
Here to work together to help build a good and just and thriving and vibrant state.

I pray that they now go about that task with energy and imagination and compassion,
For it is in your spirit of hope that I pray.


07/07/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Michael Moran of the Spiritual Life Center

As we all know, tomorrow marks the final launch for the Space Shuttle program. Although it is sad to see the closing of a great era, we applaud the great work of many Californians who strengthened the NASA program to better our state, our country and our world. One such California astronaut was Kalpana Chawla. In fact, she was a dear family friend, and my sister had the opportunity to be at Kalpana’s launch on the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. But as we all know, none of the astronauts made it home on that ill-fated trip. Kalpana’s motto was always “Reach for the Stars”. As we watch the final Space Shuttle launch tomorrow, may we always remember to “Reach for the Stars” and for our State and ourselves.

Let us pray:

Eternal God, we pray for our California Senate today and through their deliberations may they “Reach for the Stars” for every Californian. May the work they do here on this floor help all of us to reach our highest best selves. This prayer we pray, Amen.


07/05/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Georgia Prescott, Center for Spiritual Awareness

Please join me in turning our attention this morning to a Higher Power called by many names. Sometimes this Power is called Our Father to indicate that It does not favor one over another, but lifts all people up to feel the sunlight of the Spirit. We give thanks for members and staff of this Senate, for they too know the importance of lifting all Californians up to feel the favor of this great state.

As legislation is discussed in these chambers let it be discussed with compassion, inclusion, and a deep respect for all sides of every issue. Divine Intelligence is in this house and we take pause to feel It`s indwelling presence--AMEN.

07/01/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Rev. Michael Moran of the Spiritual Life Center

In 1964 American poet and songwriter Bob Dylan
wrote about a huge change that was taking place in
the social and political core consciousness of our
nation. President Kennedy had been assassinated,
war was escalating, Civil rights advocates were
marching, freedom riders were being called traitors
by some, and we as a people were being forced to
Dylan wrote about this movement that was picking
up momentum. He wrote a call to action - an anthem
that was true then and is even more obvious now.

"Come gather round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown.
And accept that soon you`ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you is worth savin,
than you better start swimming or you`ll sink like a stone.
For the times they are a changn`."
Come Senators, Congressman and please heed this call,
Don`t stand in the doorway and don`t block the hall.
For he that hurts is the one who has stalled.
There`s a battle outside and it`s ragin`
It`ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.
For the times they are a chanqin`."
This morning I ask for blessings for you, those you
serve, and for wisdom as you work together to safely
guide us through these changing times that are
literally shaking our windows and rattling our walls.

Loving Creator - Divine Presence
We thank you for this new day and the work that is
ours to do. We are grateful for our capacity to think
and plan, dream and act; for our ability to make
things happen that will improve the lives of those we
represent. Thank you for the privilege and sacred
responsibility of being makers of history. May we,
the elect~d representatives of the people of
California be ever mindful of the needs of the less
fortunate among us, and the greater good for all
Bless our work and those with whom we serve.
Guide us along the path of harmony and justice.
May we always put the welfare of the people who
trust us at the heart of all. our endeavors and use our

skills to build a healthy and sustainable state and
Help us to treat each other with genuine respect and
seek fair and just solutions to the many problems we
Loving God known by many names, bless this
assembly of women and men entrusted with the
health and well-being of our beautiful state. Guide
them and direct them each step of the way this day.
Om Shanti, Shalom, Salam, Peace. Amen

08/31/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Politics is a difficult business. Politicians are elected because they represent a particular view. Yet once they are elected, they represent not simply those who voted for them, but the entire community. Blaise Pascal wrote sage words that apply to our political system. He wrote: We show greatness not by being at one extreme, but by touching both at once and occupying all the space in between.
May the Creator of time and space enable each of us to experience the wonderment of being able to see and to understand the world from many perspectives, and to appreciate the glory of all that lies in between them.
May this be God`s will--AMEN.

08/30/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Ralph Waldo Emerson offered wise words on how to live a successful life. He defined a successful life as one where we try “to laugh often and much. To win respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a redeemed social condition or a job well done; to know even one other life has breathed easier because you lived.” If we do these things, then we will have lived not only a successful life, but a meaningful one as well.
We pray to the Heavenly God to grant us success in our all of our worthy endeavors, to enable us to walk humbly even as we strive to do what is mighty, may we always learn from our mistakes, and may we be blessed to be able to find meaning in our journey. May this be God’s will--AMEN

08/29/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Right Reverend Christopher Senyonjo, Retired Bishop of West Buganda and Executive Director of the St. Paul’s Reconciliation and Equality Centre

O Compassionate One, the mystery with many names, prayed to in many languages
Hear the prayers of your humble servants who come to you seeking guidance, wisdom and compassion for the people of California. As your Senators, we give you thanks for the blessings of land and sea, the richness of cultures and the strength of diversity –all images of your abiding presence.
Forgive us for the past wrongs that have divided and brought injustice to parts of the human family. Give us listening and discerning hearts. Give us patience and a willingness to remain open to opposing viewpoints. Give us grace to disagree and still be friends.
Finally, we commend to your care the children, about to begin a new school year, the unemployed and destitute, the sick and all who care for them, the clergy of all faiths and the communities they lead, that our unity may deepen. Watch over us and help us to break down the barriers of class, religion, gender and sexual inequality that each may reach their potential and serve the common good.
May this day be a blessing to each one of us, that we may finally say:
(Let us together say) “What is done is done, what is not done is not done, so let it be,” AMEN

08/25/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral of Sacramento

A friend of mine, by the name of Dewitt Jones, had been a
photographer for the National Geographic for 20 years.
Whenever the Geographic would send him out on an
assignment, they would commission him with these words:
"Go celebrate what`s right with the world."
Let us pray:
Eternal God, it is easy for us to focus upon the struggles
with our economy, the high unemployment rate, and the
crime that is taking place within our neighborhoods. But
let us not lose vision for what is right in our world. We
pray for our California Senate today and for this great
state of California. We pray that the decisions that are
made in these chambers will help us celebrate what is
right in California and for our world--Amen.


08/22/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O Gracious and loving God, You have given us inspiration and guidance through Your prophets, so that we might live a life of righteousness and meaning. Through Your prophet Micah You taught us that it is not sacrifices that you want from us, but action. What You require of us is only to do justice, to love goodness, and to walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
May we live by this prophet’s teaching and be known for the wisdom of our deeds and our quest to do what is just and good. May we act with love towards one another, and may we be ever humble before our Creator and all humanity. May this be Gods will - AMEN.


08/18/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The three Abrahamic traditions all teach a similar version of the Golden Rule “Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.” But the noted American thinker, Erich Fromm taught that it is equally justifiable to state “Whatever you do to others, you also do to yourself.”

People do not exist in isolation from one another. Rather, we live in a state of relationship with all those around us. While we are often aware of the behavior that others have on our lives, we sometimes forget that the way we treat others also affects who we are and how we live.
When we approach those in this world with kindness, compassion and joy, we become more open to receiving those blessings from others.
May the Holy One of Blessing, the Creator of all humanity, grant us the wisdom, strength and ability to create the world we wish to live in. May this be God’s will. Amen.


08/15/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Oh God of all humanity,

As we return to the sacred task of serving the people of California, may we be ever mindful of the importance of our work, and the profound impact it has on the lives of the men, women and children of this state.

May we also remember this afternoon the 30 U.S. soldiers killed last week in Afghanistan, in the single deadliest attack since the war began, a painful reminder of the thousands of men and women who have lost their lives in service to our country. May their courage and dedication inspire us to act with selflessness and loyalty to our country and its citizens. May we never take for granted the freedom and democratic ideals that they sought to protect and preserve.

May this be God’s will--AMEN

09/09/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O Gracious and Loving God,

We give thanks to you on this beautiful morning for all that has been accomplished over these many months. As we begin this final day of session, we give thanks for being given the opportunity to serve others.

To care for others, to carry their concerns with our own, is a sacred privilege. To be granted the gift of being engaged in work that can uplift the lives of others is a blessed thing. To be given the responsibility and trust of our neighbors and fellow citizens is an honor never to be taken for granted.

May you bless those who serve others, may you grant them satisfaction in their work, and may you bless all of their worthy endeavors. May this be God’s will. Amen.


09/08/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

O Great and Merciful God, Each day the Senate is in session we begin with holy words, a prayer to You and a pledge of allegiance to our country.
With a prayer we remind ourselves that to serve others is a sacred task, and with our pledge we affirm our devotion to our country and our obligation to protect and preserve it.
Ten years ago we were left without adequate words as we watched in horror as our nation was attacked. But we found solace in prayer and we recommited ourselves to the service and protection of our country. On that tragic day we did not think of our differences, we were not
Democrats or Republicans, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Bhuddists or Hindus. Through that terrible tragedy we came together, in unity,as Americans.
On this day, we stand before You in remembrance of those who were killed. We stand together as brothers and sisters, praying for your help in repairing a world that was shattered, we ask for healing and for guidance.
We ask you to protect our country and all who dwell here, but most of all, we ask for peace.
May this be God’s will.—AMEN.

Prayer by Fr. Michael F. Kiernan
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacramento

O God Of Love, Compassion, and Healing,
look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions,
who gather here today to remember the incredible violence and pain on September 11, 2001.
We ask you in your goodness to give eternal light and peace
to all who died on that day:
The heroic first-responders— The fire fighters, police officers, emergency service workers, and Port Authority personnel; along with all the innocent men and women
who were victims of this tragedy simply because of their work or service.
We ask you, in your compassion, to bring healing to those
who, because of their very presence on that day,
suffer from injuries and illness. JOURNAL 2377
Heal, too, the pain of still-grieving families
and all who lost loved ones in this tragedy.
Give them strength to continue their lives
with courage and hope.
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world:
peace in the hearts of all men and women, and peace among the nations of the earth.
Turn to your way of love those whose hearts and minds
are consumed with hatred. God of understanding, we are overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy, and we seek your light and guidance as we confront such terrible events.
Grant that those whose lives were spared may live so that the lives lost may not have been lost in vain. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all.
O Almighty and merciful God, You cannot be understood by one who sows discord. You cannot be accepted by one who loves violence. Look upon our painful human condition tried by cruel acts of terror and death.
Comfort your children and open our hearts to hope, so that our time may again know days of serenity and peace.—AMEN.
Prayer offered by

Imam Mohamed Abdul Azeez
Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims

Dear God! You are my lord, there is no god but You. Upon You I depend, and You are the lord of the greatest throne.
Whatever God wills will be, and whatever He wills not, will never be.
There is no power nor strength without God, the most high, the greatest. I believe that God is capable of verything, and that his knowledge encompasses everything! Dear God! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my soul, and from the
evil of every creation that is under Your sway. Verily, my Lord is on the most righteous path!
Dear God, with humble hearts and submitting souls, we ask of you With gratitude to all of your blessings, we ask of you With full appreciation to all of your bounties, we ask of you
We ask you on this blessed day to bring humility, strength and understanding to the hearts of our brothers and isters who have been elected to be the trustees of our great state, to guide their decisions, to strengthen their backs, and to increase their resolve to serve.
We ask you to alleviate our pain, to allay our fears and to console our hearts. We ask you to bring our state, and our nation out of hardship, and to fill our hearts with hope of a better tomorrow.

Prayer offered by
Ranjeet Singh
Sikh Temple of West Sacramento

Having first remembered God the Almighty, think of Guru Nanak. The Tenth Master Guru Gobind Singh Jee, father of the Khalsa who has blessed us with the gift of Amrit—may we enjoy his protection everywhere. Turn your thoughts, O Khalsa, to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib and call
on God Wonderful Lord!
Almighty God, we humbly request you to keep all men and women who have laid their lives to protect freedom and peace since 9/11 till today the tenth anniversary please keep them in your glorious feet and protect them forever and comfort their families
“Nanak Naam charhdee kala. Tere bhaaney sarbat da bhala”.
(O Nanak, may the Name be ever in ascendance! In Your will may the good of all prevail!)

Prayer offered by
The Very Rev. Dr. Brian Baker
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

As we remember this week the horror of evil inflicted, towers falling, lives crushed and tears shed, help us, Oh Lord, to never forget the heroism, the open-hearted sacrifice of the police, fire-fighters and ordinary citizens who took no heed of their own safety when others were in danger, And give us the grace, we pray to live into their example as we strive for reconciliation and peace, as we seek to be agents of your love, in this
war-torn world.—AMEN.

09/07/2011 -Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rabbi Mona Alfi:
The Great American philosopher, and former California resident, Mark Twain wrote these wise words: “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
May our hearts always be open to know what is right and good, and may we always have the strength and moral courage to act on that knowledge. May this be God’s will.—AMEN.

09/06/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, the One whom we look toward for inspiration and guidance. May the Holy One offer us wisdom in all of our endeavors, success in all of our worthy pursuits, and strength from our sense of purpose in serving the people of our State.
May this be God`s will.--AMEN.

09/02/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Our founding fathers continue to serve as an example for us to this day, providing inspiration and guidance. Thomas Jefferson said: “Do you want to know who you are? Don`t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”

Ultimately it is not our words that define who we are, but our deeds. Our greatest legacy is what we do while we are on this earth, how we treat others, how we conduct ourselves in our daily tasks, how we spend our days – this is how we will be remembered.

We pray for our country and all who serve it, may our actions be filled with insight and courage. May we serve with humility and dedication. May we be known for deeds of kindness and generosity of spirit. May this be God’s will. Amen.


09/01/2011 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

So often in life it feels as though there is no end to our labors and that our goals may not be realized. Jacob Riis, a twentieth century photojournalist, once reflected on what he would do when he was feeling discouraged. He said: "When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a
stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know that it was not that blow that did it- but all that had gone before."
There is something to be learned of the story of the stonecutter. It reminds us to be patient with our work, especially when the end is not quickly in sight.
May the Holy One of Blessing grant us the ability to progress even when it might seem as though we are standing still, and may we be given the fortitude to see our labors through to a successful, and speedy end. May this be God`s will--AMEN


01/19/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Senator Roderick Wright

Members, we are here today following the holiday celebrating the life of a great American leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was born in Atlanta, GA on January 15, 1929. He championed a movement of civil rights for a period of just over twelve years. He was assassinated on April 4th of 1968. Most of his accomplishments can be found online. He was in my view one of the most important leaders in American history. There is not much that can be said about Dr. King that has not already been said. Today, I want to focus on an often forgotten part of his life which he considered the most important - he was a Baptist minister. He considered his civil rights work a part of his ministry.

In his roles both as pastor and civil rights leader, Dr. King remained humble and selfless. In the New Testament Book of the Gospel, according to St. John, chapter 15:13 (New International Version) Jesus speaking to his disciples said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Dr. King did.

On April 3, 1968, Dr. King gave his last sermon. Speaking to a group of striking trash workers in Memphis, TN, he gave what I believe was certainly his most prophetic, if not most important, sermon. Not simply because he referenced his own death, but because he drew a parallel to another biblical character with whom he would share a similar fate. The title of the sermon was “I See the Promised Land.” Before I read a portion of that sermon I want to illustrate the parallel.

Again reading from the NIV version of the Bible, I want to direct you to Deuteronomy 34:1-5,
“Then Moses climbed Mount Nebo from the plains of Moab to the top of Pisgah, across from Jericho. There the Lord showed him the whole land – from Gilead to Dan, all of Naphtali, the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the western sea., the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar. Then the Lord said to him, ‘This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, I will give it to your descendants I will let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.’ And Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab.”

Dr. King speaking in a church Memphis over two thousand years later:
“We’ve got some difficult days ahead, but it really doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountain top and I don’t mind. Like anybody I would like to live a long life, longevity has its place, but I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And he’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over and I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. So I’m happy tonight I’m not worried about anything -- I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

And the next day he was gone. Thirty-nine years after he was born in Atlanta GA, this 20th Century Moses who led this nation away from Jim Crow segregation departed this Earth. Speaking to his friends Dr. King once remarked, “At my funeral don’t let them preach too long. Don’t tell them I won a Nobel Prize or any of those things. Sing just one song that sums up what I tried to do.”

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with word or song,
If I can show somebody, how they’re traveling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty as a good “Senator” ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world up wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, as the master taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

Members, as we grapple with some difficult decisions on the budget and the future of our beloved California, as the United States and the world come together to assist Haiti, in this time of great tragedy, may our living not be in vain.

May this be God’s will? AMEN.

01/14/2010 - Daily Paryer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

For those of us who live in California, who have felt the solidness of the earth under our feet move and shift, who have experienced the fear and uncertainty in the aftermath of an earthquake, our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters in Haiti who are suffering.

For those of us who have relatives who live far away, and know how hard it is to watch and wonder from a distance what is going on in another part of the world, our hearts go out to those who still do not know who is safe and who is not.

For those of us who mourn when we see human life lost or suffering, our hearts turn towards God in prayer.

We pray for the residents of Haiti, and their loved ones as they struggle in the aftermath of this tragedy that has struck their home.

May the Holy One grant the relief workers skill and speed in bringing healing and recovery, and grant protection to them in their dangerous work. May we be partners with our Creator in bringing the people of Haiti healing and peace, security and stability in this difficult time.

May this be God’s will.--AMEN.

01/11/2010 - Daily Paryer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The great philosopher, Plato, gave advice that was as fitting for his time as it is for ours. He counseled others to "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

So often it is easy for us to judge others by what we see or experience on a superficial level. But each of us has our own battles that we fight, issues that we wrestle with, loved ones whom we worry about. These are battles we so rarely share with those whom we work with on a daily basis, and yet they affect the way we walk through the world, and affect the way others experience us.

We pray to the Holy One, the Creator of us all, to grant us the ability to treat others with patience and understanding, and pray that others might be kind in their dealings with us as well.

May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

01/06/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Senator Mark Leno

The New Year brings with it the promises of spring; renewal, regeneration, rejuvenation and hope. Hope for a brighter day, for the cessation of hunger and starvation, for an end to senseless violence, for a more just and equitable world, for a world at peace.
Help us, ever patient creator and giver of life, to be proactive agents in the realization of our hopes. Remind us daily that the purpose of the miracle of life is to share the many blessing you have provided us. Instill in us, as your stewards, the courage, tenacity and selflessness of preceding generations so that we can bequeath a healthy and sustainable planet to those who follow us.
Baruch atah adonoi, eloheynu melech ha’olam, she’che’heyanu, v’keyamanu v’hegeyanu la’zeman ha’zeh.
Blessed are you, Creator of the Universe, who has given us life, sustained us and brought us to this time and place. --AMEN.


01/04/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Senate Chaplain Rev. Dexter McNamara, Interfaith Service Bureau

Karen Armstrong wrote:

"All the world religions insist that no spirituality is valid unless it results in practical compassion."

As we move into this new year and this new decade, my prayer for all of us is this:

-May we be open to the mystery & the wonder & the awe that surrounds us;

-And may we be attentive to the need & the pain & the hurt of people throughout our state.

-May we take time to listen to deep calling in our own lives, of the yearning of our own spirits for grounding & meaning & hope;

-And may we be guided by compassion to bring about practical and significant actions that will have positive impacts on this state and all the people we work for.

-May we seek the good & the right;

-And may we be open to God`s Spirit calling us to life.

02/22/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

An ancient sage gave this advice to one who wants to live a life of meaning. He said: Get yourself a teacher; and acquire a friend to study with you. When you judge people, give them the benefit of the doubt. (Joshua ben Perachya, Pirke Avot 1.6)
May we always have the humility to know that there is something to be learned from someone more experienced than ourselves, may we always know the pleasure of studying with a peer, and may our studies teach us to act with compassion for others. May this be God’s will.--AMEN.


02/18/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Alan Lowenthal

Eternal One, this body gathers once again to draw upon the wisdom of each of us as we wrestle with the challenges in our way.
Eternal One, lift our spirits so that we will live together in unity and peace. We each have our personal aspirations and ideas of what is best, yet may we also know the joy of mutual accomplishment.

Teach us to treat one another with respect and honor. Encourage us to have the courage to speak honestly and thoughtfully. Let this be a place where trust is valued.
Let us say, --Amen


02/16/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Elder Ricky L. Currington

Let us pray:

God, We thank you today for the privilege to be standing here to offer this prayer on behalf of the Senate. We ask for your leading and guidance in the decision-making process for today`s forum. As we celebrate this Black History month, we thank you for bringing us to this place of love, peace, and joy. Continue to help us to share this love, peace, and joy throughout our land and country. This is our prayer.--AMEN

02/11/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

It was written by a Greek philosopher that:
No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen. (Epictetus)
Like a fig, or a bunch of grapes, the fruits of our labor must have time to be cultivated and nurtured into being. We must work, and we must wait, before we can see, understand, and enjoy what we have created.
May the work of our hands always be blessed, and may the time not be distant before we can see the outcome we have labored for. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

02/08/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Michael Moran, from the Spiritual Life Center

As I considered what words I would share with you today I came across an Invocation my late wife, Rev. Faith Moran, used at times to open gatherings of diverse cultures, viewpoints, and beliefs. She adapted it from one of the most unselfish prayers ever written-a prayer by St Francis of Assisi. It speaks to the very highest part of human nature: The part of us that is called to serve the common good. Loving Presence, Bless this assembly of those called to be in service for those who placed their faith and trust in them as they work for the good of all concerned. Today, may all narrowness be set aside so that expansiveness of vision and purpose can express through them. Where there may be anger or discord, may they be channels of love and harmony. Where there is injury or woundedness, may there be a willingness to reconcile and heal. Where there is despair, may this assembly offer hope. Where there is darkness, may they radiate the light of true Wisdom. Where there may be heaviness of heart, may these public servants offer genuine comfort and promise to our citizens.
May those who are called to serve endeavor to not only be understood, but to genuinely listen to and understand each other. May these elected officials remember that it is in serving the highest good of all that they will find true fulfillment and purpose in their lives. I will close with the wisdom of the Prophet Micah from the Torah.
"And what does God require of you? Only that you do justice, love kindness and mercy, and walk humbly with your God." May today`s session be conducted in a positive and healthy manner and with ease and grace.
Bless you for the good work you do for the people of our great state of California.-AMEN.
Peace be upon each you.

02/04/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

American Historian, Carl Becker once wrote on the topic of faith and the frontier. His words apply to the State of California still. He wrote:

“Idealism must always prevail on the frontier, for the frontier, whether geographical or intellectual, offers little hope to those who see things as they are. To venture into the wilderness,” he says, “one must see it, not as it is, but as it will be.”

Even 160 years after we achieved Statehood, Californians still see ourselves on the frontier, or in modern terms, the cutting edge. We are still a land that has yet to realize the fullness of its potential, and we are blessed to have so many Californians who still see our State not as it is, but what it can yet be.

May it be the will of our Creator to imbue our hearts with the power to see beyond what is, and grant us the ability to find a way to create what might be. May this be God’s will. Amen

02/01/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Life is a wonderful and mysterious gift. Every year, we witness the cycle of life by watching the trees change in each season. The writer Harry Emerson Fosdick realized that we humans have much to learn from the natural world, he wrote:
We ask the leaf, “Are you complete in yourself?” And the the leaf answers, “No, my life is in the branches.” We ask the branch, and the branch answers, “No, my life is in the root.” We ask the root, and it answers, “No, my life is in the trunk and the branches, and the leaves. Keep the branches stripped of leaves, and I shall die.” So it is with the great tree of being. Nothing is completely and merely individual.”
When we look outside at the cold landscape of winter, and see the trees standing bare of their glory, we are reminded that we are as vulnerable as the trees. Our lives are not separate and complete in and of themselves; each of us is dependent on many layers to nourish and protect us. If we were asked “Are you complete in yourself?” We would have to answer: “No, my life is in my family, my friends, my community, my faith and beliefs - if you strip me of these, then surely I shall die.”
Oh, Master of the Universe, we thank You for the precious gift of friends and family who fill our lives with blessings and protect us from the storms of life. We ask of You to shelter and sustain them, for without their support, we could not do the task that is asked of us. Blessed is the Creator, the giver of life. Amen.

03/22/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rabbi Mendy Cohen

I stand before you today as the representative of the Lubavictcher Rebbe who is celebrating this Friday his 108 birthday and has over 4,000 centers of goodness and kindness around the globe, and close to 300 centers in the state of California. I remember, when I came here over 16 years ago in 1994 and sounded the Shofar to blow the recession out of California, and so it was. I come here before you again to blow this very difficult recession out of California. Our sages tell us that you are not voted into office by man, but by G-d. So, I’m sure if G-d gave you the burden of this state in these very trying times he gave you the strength to crawl out of it. The Kabballah says the lower the low, the higher the high. So, we are going to expect some great times ahead of us. We will not only crawl out of it, we will swim out of it. As we are standing here a week before Passover and I am holding in my hand the unleavened bread, which is the symbol of humility and draws down the greatest blessing from G-d. So, to in these trying times will lead us to unbelievable times with the coming of Moshiach when there will be bounty and blessing for all. G-d our Father in heaven bless this great body to turn California around and California leads the world. And through that we will turn the entire world around.

03/15/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Father Joe Walsh of St. Stephen`s in San Francisco

My prayer today is for this gift for every one of you:
The wisdom to see the opportunities you have,
and the courage to make a difference.

Echoing an old prayer attributed to St. Patrick of Ireland,
May the power and the wisdom of the Holy One
be in your thinking and in your speaking,
In your voting and in your abstaining,
In your agreements and in your disagreements,
In days and in your nights,
In your resting and in your rising,
In your laughter and in your gravity,
In your friends and in your family,
In your cooking and in your feasting,
In your loving and in your caring.

And may we all thank the Great Creator for saving us from the specter of a world without the Irish!

03/11/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Countryside Community Church, Esparto

A painter, a clergyman and a cowboy went to the Grand Canyon. The painter said, “What a beautiful place, I must paint a picture of it.” The clergyman said, “What a beautiful place, I must write a prayer.” The cowboy said, “What a horrible place to lose a cow.”

Loving and Eternal God, we pray for our California State Senate today and that they will be able to understand and appreciate different worldviews and perspectives other than their own. May they all be able to deliberate with integrity, honesty and with great respect for their fellow colleagues. We pray for clarity of mind and for positive decisions to be made today that will better the lives of all in this great state of California. Amen.


03/03/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Gary Tucker, Police Chaplain for Santa Ana

Upon invitation of the President, the following prayer was offered by Rev. Gary Tucker, Police Chaplain for Santa Ana:

The inspiration for some of the thoughts in this prayer come from the do it anyway" prayer written on the wall in Mother Teresa`s home for children in Calcutta.

Let us pray.

Dear God we give thanks for another day.

Bless these senators, their families and their staff.

Give them attentive hearts and open minds that through diversity of ideas they might sort out what is best for California.

Honesty and frankness may make them vulnerable; let them be honest and frank anyway.

Let them give the best they have. It will never be enough. Let them give their best anyway.

The good they do today might be forgotten tomorrow. Let them do good anyway.

May all they do continue to make California a better place to live and work, play and pray.

And all God`s people said, AMEN"!

03/08/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Brian Baker, Trinity Cathedral

Open our hearts O Lord, not only to the needs of those we serve, but also to one another in this Chamber so as a community of leaders we can be led to wise and courageous actions that benefit California.-AMEN.

05/01/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Saint Francis de Sales understood the importance of ongoing self-reflection for the advancement of the human spirit. He taught: "Have patience with all things, but
chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew."
By wrestling with the parts of ourselves that still need to grow or be refined, we do more than merely cover up our mistakes or our weaknesses. What ultimately is accomplished by the act of wrestling with ourselves is the ennobling of the human spirit.
Saint Francis reminds us that the process of self-examination is integral to the goal of bettering oneself. By each day examining ourselves anew, we are given the
opportunity to see areas in which we can not only improve ourselves, but also to be able to take pride in our development and growth as human beings.
May it be the will of our Creator that we shall always have the courage to look at
ourselves with honesty, the humility to know that there is always room for improvement, and the capacity to find joy in even the most modest of our achievements. May this be God`s will.--AMEN.

02/27/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Many of us feel God`s presence in nature when surrounded by the Holy One`s creations. For others, God`s presence can seem a mystery, hidden from their view. But here in the midst of winter, the trees laid bare of their foliage, if we take the time to look, we will witness the miracle of creation, and see that the world is beginning to awake again. The tiniest bit of green starting to emerge, new life appearing on a bare branch, reminding us that to everything there is a season, doubt and faith, death and birth, there is a place for everything and everyone under
the heavens.
May it be the will of our Creator that our "eyes be ever open to the wonders around us, and may our hearts rejoice in miracles that occur each day, reminding us that every day is a gift to be cherished, and cause for us to give thanks. May this be God`s will.--AMEN.


02/24/2014 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

God of all humanity,
We live in a world filled with conflict, seemingly never ending tensions between individuals and nations.
Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that "the reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is, because man is disunited with himself."
If we can not first find a sense of peace and wholeness within ourselves, how can we be at one with others?
May it be Your will O God, that each of us may find a sense of contentment and joy with ourselves, even as we become more open and accepting of each other.
May this be God`s will. AMEN.


03/24/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos, of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco

Tomorrow, March 25, Greek Orthodox Christians here in California and around the world celebrate two significant events. First, we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation, when Mary the Mother of our Lord received the joyful announcement foretelling the birth of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate the proclamation in 1821 by Archbishop Germanos of Patras announcing the freedom of Greece – the political and spiritual emancipation of the Hellenic people from four centuries of slavery and oppression under the Ottoman Empire.
On this day Greeks around the world and here in California, celebrate and ponder the concept of FREEDOM in all its dimensions. Ancient Greeks knew that freedom was as necessary for life as air and water; only in freedom can human beings thrive. Freedom, as we understand it, is not a license for unbridled pursuit of power and profit. True Freedom means ridding our lives of all that is immoral. True Freedom safeguards the dignity of every person against exploitation, discrimination, and social injustice of every type.
On the occasion of this double celebration, we thank God for our political freedom as we pray for the political freedom of all people around the world, holding in our hearts most especially brother and sister Greeks who are still suffering political and spiritual oppression in places such as Turkey and Cyprus. The sad truth, witnessed throughout history, is that freedom is won through struggle and defended through sacrifice. We remember prayerfully those who have gone before us and those who are presently engaged in heroic defense of freedom, willing to sacrifice even their own lives to smash the chains of bondage, oppression, and human degradation.
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord our God, living source of freedom and love and justice, who, throughout the ages has enlightened humans, keep also, under Your loving care, the members of the Government, the Senate and the Assembly of our beloved State of California and guide them to always do the right thing for the people of our State and the entire nation, teaching them how to use every good and perfect gift wisely.
You have implanted in each person the inclination to love and protect and nurture all that is good and beautiful and true. Do you, the same Lord, be present here now. Make us worthy of the ideals we hold dear, the gifts of freedom and liberty that we have inherited, Grace us with the wisdom and prudence to govern well, and freedom from the temptations of power. So that, through our work, all people may know and enjoy the blessings of freedom, increasing health, prosperity which leads to generosity, and the security that blossoms from true freedom and your peace. For you are holy, and to you we ascribe glory, now and forever and to the ages of age. --AMEN.

03/10/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Libby Fernandez, RSM, Executive Director of Sacramento Loaves and Fishes

Let us be present to our God and to each other:

Look around you!
Who is the woman next to you?
Is there a woman in front of you, behind you?
Are you a woman?

Who are these valiant women?
They are women spirited by our foundresses:

- Mary Ellen Pleasant
- Maria Carrillo
- Nancy Kelsey
- Elizabeth B. Anthony
- Elizabeth Blackwell
- and Mother Baptist Russell,
whose Statue lights our way outside the North Entrance of this Capitol.

Who are these valiant women?
They are our past, present and future.
They are pioneers, empowering realities, and inexhaustible reservoirs of possibilities.
They are women who;
Believe in something,
Stand for something,
Count for something,
Labor for something,
Run for something, and
Lead others for something.

Who are these valiant women?
They are women next to you, in front of you, behind you—within you.

Living god, today we gather in and among Your Presence.
Valiant women all gathered here, raise your voices for the promise of wholeness and fullness of live for all?
This we pray in Your Name – AMEN.

03/06/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Holy and gracious God, we give thanks today for the work we have been given to do and the liberty we enjoy. Help us to do our tasks with courage, and give us the strength to be instruments of your peace wherever we may walk. AMEN

03/04/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The 19th century American author J.G. Holland taught that "God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nest."
All that we need to nourish us in life, physically, intellectually, spiritually, God provides for in the world. But it is for us to seek, to search, and to claim it for ourselves.
May we be blessed with the ability to find what we need to sustain us, to recognize it when it is revealed to us, and to accept even what we have worked hard to attain as though it were a gift from the Eternal One. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

04/28/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

O God, we come with thanks for this new day, and for the call to serve your people. Amidst the struggles and conflicts in this Capitol, help us to be mindful of the neediest in our state – the poor, the sick, those who are hurting, and especially the children. Fill our hearts with compassion and give us wisdom to do what is right--AMEN.

03/01/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The American poet, John Burroughs, wrote: The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is “look under foot.” You are always nearer the divine and the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars, every place is the centre of the world.
It is easy to get distracted and look for life’s treasures and rewards as something to be found in the far-off future, in another place, or as somehow unattainable in the here and now.
However this is not true. In every place and every moment there is an opportunity to encounter the sacred.
May the Holy One of Blessing open our eyes so we may see the daily miracles of life, and open our hearts so we can enjoy them. May this be God’s will--AMEN

04/21/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian

Almighty God, guide us all with your wisdom and love to live a life with dignity and to bring your light to the minds and souls of the people who strive for justice and peace. By Your grace, illuminate our path that we may learn the duties entrusted to us for the wellbeing of the people for whom we are called to serve diligently.
Today we offer special prayers for the California State Senate for remembering with genuine respect, the victims of the first genocide of the twentieth century.
In our prayers of remembrance we also render respect for the leaders and the people of the United States of America, who have embraced and sheltered the orphans and the survivors of the first genocide and have guided us to make this blessed country a home where we are continuously encouraged and supported as good citizens of America to firmly uphold our faith as Christians, and our love for our ancestral land of Armenia.
In the grace of your benevolence, 0 Lord, we turn our eyes to the future and give thanks. As Americans of Armenian decent we have not only lived, but thrived in the United States for generations. The true values of this country are democracy and freedom, two principles which contribute to a God-pleasing vision for universal respect for humanity.
Bless 0 God the Senators of the State of California and their mission, and grant them all the strength of faith so that they will spend and be spent in the service of the people of the state of California. AMEN

04/17/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

O God, as we soon celebrate Earth Day, we give thanks for the abundance of our farms, the bounty of our oceans and waterways, and the richness of our forests. Help us today to be wise stewards of the gifts of your creation so that we may leave our planet healthier than we have found it for all generations to come--AMEN.

04/01/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Gracious God, we give thanks for the newness of Spring. May our lawmakers here gathered find moments of joy in their work, moments of laughter, and moments of listening to each other; and may those moments lead to the trust they need in each other to solve the issues that confront our state-- AMEN.

05/29/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Almighty and everlasting God, give us courage to follow the truth, courage to go where you lead, and guide us to do always what is right in your eyes; then we shall know blessings beyond our dreams--AMEN

A New Zealand Prayerbook (Anglican), adapted


04/26/2010- Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, David Warren, Volunteer Jewish Chaplain, California State Prison System

More than 800 years ago, at a time of great difficulty, the Rabbi Maimonides provided a road map for decision making in troubled times when he wrote:
Anticipate charity by preventing poverty, assist the reduced fellowman either by a considerable gift, or a sum of money, or by teaching him a trade, or by putting him in the way of business, so that he may earn an honest livelihood, and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. This is the highest step and the summit of charity’s golden ladder.
As you proceed today with your daily business, and in this time of stress, keep in mind two very important thoughts. As the Rambam made clear, “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.” And as you work to solve California’s problems, remember proverbs 11:29, “He who troubles is own house will inherit the wind”
For thousands of years, our services have ended with the following from the book of numbers 6:24-26:

May The Lord bless you and keep you;
May The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; and
May The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


05/27/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

O God, by whose will we are created. Guide us this week to serve your people; help those who work in this Capitol to make difficult decisions with wisdom and courage; give them the strength to set aside rancor, and the patience to listen to each other; and help them to hear those voices who may not be loud, but who need to be heard--AMEN.

04/22/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

Goethe spoke on the capacity of the human spirit. He wrote: “If you treat me as if I were what I ought to be and could be, I will become what I ought to be and could be.”
If we look into our own lives we can find that because of at least one or two people who had faith not so much in who we are, but in who we could become, we found the strength and ability within us to rise to greater heights.
Similarly, each of us has the capacity to help others reach their higher potential if we simply treat them in a way that reflects what they can and ought to be.
May we be so blessed to live in a world where we both see and nurture the potential for greatness that dwells in those around us, and may we have the resolve to help them fulfill those expectations. May this be God’s will. Amen.

05/22/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; and on this Memorial Day weekend, help us to remember those who have given the last full measure of their devotion to our nation--AMEN

Book of Common Prayer, adapted


05/15/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Gracious and loving God, we come before you today with thanks for the many blessings of our lives. We ask that you bind the wounds of our soldiers wounded in far away wars, and heal those who are sick, hurting or in any kind of trouble here at home. Remind all those who work in this Capitol that to serve your people is the highest calling of our lives--AMEN.

04/19/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

The great American poet, Edward Arlington Robinson, wrote that there are two "two kinds of gratitude: the sudden kind we feel for what we take, and the larger kind we feel for what we give."

His words are reminiscent of something most of us are taught as children, "It is better to give than to receive." As we get older, if we are lucky, we come to realize that life`s most lasting rewards often come from those occasions when we have the opportunity to give to others, not just things, but also opportunities, or even kind and loving words. And if we are blessed, we find a way to make service to others a part of our daily lives.

May we always be so blessed to be in a position where we can give more than we take. May this be God`s will.-AMEN.

04/15/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Armenian Church of North America Western Diocese

05/12/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

O Lord, hear our prayers, not according to the poverty of our asking but according to the richness of your grace, so that our lives may conform to those desires which accord with your will. Amen.

Reinhold Niebuhr, adapted

04/08/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Rabbi Mona Alfi

04/05/2010 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson

05/08/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Our Lord God, Almighty Wisdom, in you we have our restoring and our saving. You are our maker, our keeper; take all our pain and all our woe. Teach us to believe that by your grace all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well--AMEN.

Julian of Norwich (1342-1417), adapted


05/01/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Gracious God, On this May 1st, we give thanks for the beauty of our state and the renewal of Spring. Give to us
grateful hearts, help us to be mindful of those in the greatest of need, and give to our senators, the servants of your people, the strength to act courageously on behalf of those whom they serve--AMEN

06/30/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Holy and gracious God, be with our governor and lawmakers as they confront the issues that perplex them; give to them clarity in vision, creativity in thought, and openness to listening. Give to all of these leaders here gathered patience and forebearance with each other, and the courage to act not in their own self-interest, but for the good of all your people in our state and nation--Amen.

06/27/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain, Senator Jack Scott

Oh god, the creator of all the universe and loving father in of each of our lives. We come to thee and we gratefully acknowledge the bounty of the world in which we live and the privilege that we have to live in this nation. We also thank thee for the opportunity that we have to serve in this legislature and grant us the ability to do that well. We offer a special prayer this morning for our colleague Tom Torlakson in his time of grief. Will you comfort him and his family. We would be reminded as we go about our daily task of the prayer that was first offered by Reinhold Niebuhr “Grant us the courage to change the things that should be changed, the serenity to accept the things that cannot be changed and the wisdom to know the difference.”—AMEN.

06/23/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Almighty God, look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations may serve you in harmony--AMEN.

Book of Common Prayer, adapted

06/16/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Holy and gracious God, in these uncertain times, watch over our people, give them strength and hope, and give to our leaders here assembled the minds and hearts to make difficult decisions that will serve those in the greatest of need--AMEN.

06/09/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senate Chaplain Richardson

Holy God, giver of all that is good, give us the eyes to see hidden opportunities; minds to unravel the complexities that confront us; and the wisdom to know what is right. Watch over our leaders this week, give them the strength, patience and courage they need to serve our state. Amen.


07/14/2008 - Daily Prayer

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Guest Chaplain Rev. Cannon Kathleen Kelly from Trinity Cathederal

Loving God,

In this season of fires for us and floods for others, nature frightens us.

We give thanks for those courageous firefighters who are working long hours and enduring much sacrifice for the safety of others.

We give thanks for all the dedicated state employees who labor throughout the year to care for the beauty of this state, our most precious asset.

Help us to govern in ways that respect the reality of nature’s laws. Help us to be good stewards of all that nature affords. Help us to leave our environment improved by our care and conduct.

Give us the patience and humility needed to forge common mind when we differ on the methods needed to achieve these ends, that all may enjoy the bounty of your creation.

