Prayer Archives

Prayer Offered for August 31, 2016

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

As you come to the end of this session, I leave you with the words of Sister Mary Baptist Russell, whose statue graces the lawn out there.  To some young sisters who had just proclaimed their final vows, she said: “You must not now imagine all is done; on the contrary, you are just now beginning.”

So as you transition from this space, we ask God’s continual presence and blessings on your endings and new beginnings:

May you experience the God of surprises hidden in the pockets of your daily life, waiting to be discovered;

May you experience the God of generosity as you encounter an abundance of insight and creativity for improving our world;

And may you experience the God of peace as you return home to a new rhythm of growth and transformation.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Joyce Rupp, “Heart of Love,” in Out of the Ordinary.)

Prayer Offered for December 5, 2016

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Libby Fernandez, RSM, Executive Director of Sacramento Loaves and Fishes
During this Holy time of the year, let us reflect together with God as our
Guiding Light:
Longing for peace, our world is bleak.
Longing for light, our nation is dark.
Let us be your flickers of change
To bring good tidings to all.


Longing for hope, many despair.
Longing for food, many are hungry.
Let us be your bread, broken for others,
Shared until all are fed.


Longing for warmth, many are cold.
Longing for shelter, many are homeless.
Let us be your home, safe, secure, and full of love!


Many the gifts, many the people,
Many the hearts that yearn to belong.
Let us be servants to one another.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 4, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

I would like to begin this New Year with a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins called “The Gate of the Year (God Knows).”


And I said to the [one] who stood at the gate of the year:

“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And [s]he replied:

“Go out into the [night] and place your hand in the Hand of God.

That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.”


So heart, be still:

What need…our human life to know, if God has comprehension?

In all the dizzy strife of things both high and low,

God seems to hide God’s intention…

The stretch of years which wind ahead, so dim to our imperfect vision,

Are clear to God.

Our fears are premature; In [God], all time has full provision.


Then, rest

Until God moves to lift the veil from our impatient eyes…

God’s thought around [all] creatures [may surprise].


Gracious and merciful God, help our legislature and all of us to believe in this New Year that is given to us—untouched, full of things that have never been, full of work that has never been done, full of tasks, claims, and demands.

Let us know the blessings that accompany our attempts to accomplish those necessary, serious, and great things.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1892-1910 by Rainer Maria Rilke.)


Prayer Offered for January 5, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

As we welcome new members to this Senate in this New Year:


Let us, like Abraham, peel back the flap of our tent;

Let us lovingly sweep the sand from the entrance.


Let us remember a time,

Long ago, not long ago,

When we, too young or too old,

Were the strangers.

Let us see how we are blessed,

Sharing our ordinary abundance.


Let us hold the Other close,

In our arms or in our hearts,

Wordlessly or with words,

Recognizing we serve the One.


Let us recognize that love is stronger

Than fear, than difference, than death.

This year, let us do what it takes

To be fully human.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffman, Spiritual Directors International)

Prayer Offered for January 9, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

I search for you, O God, always elusive and hidden.
I long to dwell in the heart of Mystery.

I search for my true self, more of who I already am,
Knowing there’s so much yet to be discovered.

I search for vision in the shadows of my soul,
Impatiently waiting the moment of light.

I search for a quiet heart amid life’s harried schedule;
My soul cries out, yearning for solitude.

I search for Home, always for Home,
Forgetting, of course, that I am already there.—AMEN.

(Adapted from "Seeking and Finding,” May I Have This Dance? by Joyce Rupp.)


Prayer Offered for January 13, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Father, Mother, God,

Thank You for Your presence during the hard and mean days; for then we have You to lean upon.

Thank You for Your presence during the bright and sunny days; for then we can share that which we have with those who have less.

And thank You for Your presence during the Holy Days; for then we are able to celebrate You, and our families, and our friends.


For those who have no voice, we ask You to speak.

For those who feel unworthy, we ask You to pour out Your love in waterfalls of tenderness.

For those who live in pain, we ask You to bathe them in the river of Your healing.

For those who are lonely, we ask You to keep them company.

For those who are depressed, we ask You to shower upon them the light of hope.


Dear Creator, You, the borderless sea of substance:

We ask You to give to all the world that which we need most- peace.—AMEN.

(Maya Angelou)


Prayer Offered for January 17, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

As we give thanks for the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray that we can learn the practice of the non-violence that he lived and died for:

Spirit of God, we long to mend the broken circle.

We long to heal the fractures in the world around us and within our own souls:

To transform those parts of ourselves and our world that block our making contact with our deepest reality, and with the deepest most sacred dimensions of all other beings.


Spirit of God, we long to see reality:

To contact our deepest yearning for a world pulsating with justice and truth,

To create a society where all sit down at the Great Banquet, where all persons eat until they are full.


Spirit of God, we long to discover anew the courage deep within us:

To see and to listen, to discover our true selves,

To take steps to stop the cycle of violence, in our homes, in our work-places, in our neighborhoods, in our country, and in our whole world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 19, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Dr. Pamela Anderson, Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento

            Today is my dad’s birthday. His name is Fred McNally and in 1945, at the age of fourteen, he snuck into a World Series game to see his Chicago Cubs play. The Cubs went to the World Series again this last fall and they won.  I was able to take him to a game at Wrigley Field. It’d been since 1908 that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. So all I have to say is that when we think there is no way...God makes a way!

            Gracious and loving God, we pray for our California Senate and for the deliberations in this room, for the conversations that will be had, and for the votes that will be taken. And in moments when we feel that there may be no way, may we just be reminded that God will make a way. This prayer we pray.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 23, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

The Lord is my pace-setter; I shall not rush,
God helps me stop and rest for quiet intervals.
He provides me with images of stillness,
Which restores my serenity.
God leads me in the way of efficiency through calmness of mind;
God’s guidance is peace.

Even though I have many things to accomplish today,
And crisis may pile upon crisis,
I will not fall apart, for God’s presence is here;
God’s timelessness will keep me in balance.

God prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activities.
God anoints my mind with the oil of inspiration.
Surely harmony and effectiveness will be the fruit of my hours,
And I shall walk in the peace of the Lord this day.—AMEN.
(Adapted from Psalm 23 for Busy People.)


Prayer Offered for January 26, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

As we bring ourselves into awareness of God’s presence today, let us pray for all who still long to experience God’s heart of mercy:


For all who suffer and struggle alone- may they receive healing and support;

For all who experience injustice and persecution—may they receive strength and courage;

For all who grieve and mourn- may they receive comfort and peace.


God of many names and manifestations, all the days of our lives are in Your hands.  Help us to know Your presence in each unfolding event; Your active, enabling grace in every circumstance; and Your enduring call to follow You each day with courage and gratitude.—AMEN. 

Prayer Offered for January 30, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Mark R. Richards, Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Sacramento and Pastor of Saint Elizabeth of Portugal Parish, Sacramento

Good and gracious God, we thank You for the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us.  We ask You to help us to use the gifts and the talents You have given us to serve the people You have entrusted to our care.  As we go about our business today, in the midst of so many pressing issues, help us to focus on the common good.  Help us to be mindful of the needs of those on the margins of our society.  Bless our efforts and grant us peace. We ask this in Your Most Holy Name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 2, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

As we center ourselves in God’s presence. May our dreams be the dreams of Langston Hughes as expressed in his poem, I Dream a World.

I dream a world where man
No other [one] will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its paths adorn.
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom’s way,
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every [one] is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind-
Of such I dream, my world!

Spirit of Abundance, God of Grace, Mother of Hope, in this month of remembrance, we acknowledge and embrace the power and creativity that our Black sisters and brothers have contributed for the growth of this nation. Continue to widen our vision so that together we may bring our world closer to harmony and peace, communion and solidarity.—AMEN.


Prayer Offered for February 6, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us center ourselves in God’s holy presence as I read this poem called “Shine” by Diane Smigielski-Schilling, in acknowledgement of your work for the common good:

For just this Moment, and the Next,
Do not believe that this world cannot feel the Incredible Gift that you have been given and Hold.
There is no comparison to You.
There will always be another ahead of and just behind you on the Path.
One is beckoning for you to follow in the wake of their Wisdom,
the other is clinging to you for Hope and Guidance.

Are you to be the Student or the Teacher?
You have been granted the pleasure of experiencing both,
As they are meant to be One.

What this world has led us to believe as strengths and weaknesses,
are the Tools that have been given to Carve out our Unique Purpose.


It is time, Dear [Senator, Staff Member, Guest], to allow the Art of your Life to be Seen and Heard

from every angle of the beautiful Sculpture you are Creating.
Consider with Love, that all who are receiving your Gift, are doing so

from the Breath of this Moment we are stepping Upon.


Loving God, we ask You to be with us in this moment as we seek to carve out our unique purpose with all its challenges and creativity.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 9, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

The Book of Proverbs (4:23) says:  
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything else flows from it.

Creator God,
Give us a heart like Yours that inspires us
   to love without reservation,
   to step out in courageous service to one another,  
   and never to dig up in doubt what we have planted in faith.   

Fortify us with Your grace
   to speak kindly,
   to keep our actions on the upswing,
   and to refuse to allow any discouragement to infiltrate our spirits.  

Let Your light shine through the cracks and splinters of the less-than-perfect portions of our hearts; and may we forgive ourselves our imperfections, and in response, return needed compassionate forgiveness to others.–AMEN.
(Prayer of Auburn Mercy Associates, 2017)



Prayer Offered for February 13, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Bob Oshita

As we remember the people, families, and communities whose lives were uprooted by Executive Order 9066, I’d like to share a gift I was given almost 5 decades ago. Please join me in a moment of quiet reflection:

In the late 1960’s, I volunteered to help every Wednesday at the Hamilton Senior Citizens Program in San Francisco. Back then this Senior Program was comprised entirely of our Issei, first generation Japanese and Japanese-Americans, mostly women.

During our afternoons together, I would try to ask them about the Camps. It was a subject our second generation, Nisei, never-ever talked about.

When my persistence wore them down, to my dismay, they talked lightly about the experience. “Oh there were baseball games and sumo; and we learned to knit and sew…”

I wanted them to share their suffering and resentment for the injustices they had endured. I wanted to become their advocate and become angry and indignant for them, because they would not.

One afternoon, when again I persisted with my questions, a wonderful grandmotherly woman, Mrs. Kiyo Hirano, pulled me aside and quietly said, “Sono Camp no hanashii wa mo yamenasa.” (“Stop talking about the Camp.”)  “Mochiron, Tsurakatta.” (“Of course it was hard.”)

Then she told me not to pick up pain and hardship that was not mine.

She said that the Camp was her hardship, and the anger stops with her.

She said that if she lived with hate, she would never have been able to live her life.

Then she warned me—if I pick up this pain and anger, it would poison my life. She used the word “poison.”

We, who are a part of the generations that have followed, have been given a wonderful gift; a gift from all those who endured the humiliation and injustice that was euphemistically referred to as “Camp.” From them we received the gift of No Anger.

On this Day of Remembrance, to those who have endured and sacrificed so much, please know that we, the generations that have followed, are forever grateful for this gift that has been too easily overlooked and taken for granted.

Namo Amida Butsu — Let us try to live with Kindness and Gratitude beyond words.

Prayer Offered for February 17, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Recently Pope Francis said that politics is a lofty vocation and one of the highest forms of charity, inasmuch as it seeks the common good.

So God of all love and consolation,

Continue to grace us with insight and wisdom to promote the continual evolution of life-giving possibilities. 

May miracles of love and generosity flow from our desire to further peace and justice in our world.

May we continue to trust that beneath all appearances is meaning, direction, and promise as you kindle in us the fire of your own unfolding dreams.

We ask this in your name—.AMEN.   

Prayer Offered for February 21, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

According to Václav Havel, “Hope is an orientation of the heart; it transcends the world that is immediately experienced, and is anchored somewhere beyond its horizons….”

O God in whom we hope, we ask You to bless our efforts to bring leadership, justice, and ongoing solutions to the challenges of our times.

Give us the strength to accomplish the seemingly impossible with limited time, energy, and resources.

Help us to be especially sensitive to the needs of those on the margins, those who are vulnerable, those who are close to despair.

May all that we do today engender hope in our communities, for as Harvey Milk once said:  “the important thing is not that we can live on hope alone, but that without it, life is not worth living.”

And so we continue to hope in Your providence.—Amen.

Prayer Offered for February 23, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us consider the blessings of our humanness as we ponder Rumi’s poem, “The Guest House.”

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

[They] may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The [negative] thought, the shame, the malice.

meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

Loving God, help us to be alert for those unexpected visitors of negativity; may their appearance not cause us to lose our composure and our gracious desire to bring peace and love to our world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 23, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us consider the blessings of our humanness as we ponder Rumi’s poem, “The Guest House.”

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows
who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
[They] may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

The [negative] thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes
because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond. 

Loving God, help us to be alert for those unexpected visitors of negativity; may their appearance not cause us to lose our composure and our gracious desire to bring peace and love to our world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 27, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us center ourselves in God’s presence by praying from Psalm 139.

O God, You examine me and know me.

You know if I am standing or sitting.

You understand my thoughts from afar.

My journeys and my rest You know.

With all my ways You are familiar….


It was You who created my inmost self

And knit me together in my mother’s womb.

For all these mysteries I thank You:

For the wonder of myself; for the wonder of Your works….


O God, how hard it is to grasp Your thoughts.

How impossible to count them.

I could no more count them than I could the sand.

And suppose I could, You would still be with me….


O God, examine me and know my heart.

Probe me and know my thoughts.

Lead me on a safe path,

And guide me in the way that is everlasting.–AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 2, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us continue to praise the greatness and gentleness of our God in the words of the Book of Wisdom (Wisdom 11: 21-12: 1, Jerusalem Bible):

Yahweh, our loving Creator,

Your great strength is always at Your call;

Who can withstand the might of Your arm?

In Your sight the whole world is like a grain of dust that tips the scales,

Like a drop of morning dew falling on the ground.

Yet You are merciful to all because You can do all things

And overlook our weaknesses so that we can repent.

Yes, You love all that exists; You hold nothing of what You have made in abhorrence,

For had You hated anything You would not have formed it,

And how, had You not willed it, could a thing persist?

How be conserved if not called forth by You?

You love all things because all things are Yours, Lord, lover of life.

We thank You, You whose imperishable spirit is in all.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 2, 2016

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Michelle Gorman, RSM

In anticipation of International Women’s Day, I am reminded of the words of the poet, Audre Lorde: “When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

Gracious and loving God, As we enter a new mode of human presence where women are not merely observers, but where each can be a participant in this moment of evolution,

We are determined to be bold participants, rather than timid saints in waiting;

We choose to exercise the authority of honesty, rather than to fearfully defer to power;

We wish to influence others for justice, rather than impress them for gain;

And, by Your grace, we will bring treasures of joy, friendship, and peace to our world when we use our strength in the service of our vision—AMEN.

(Adapted from Wrestling the Light by Ted Loder.)

Prayer Offered for March 9, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Elizabeth Griswold, Pastor of Community Church

Precious, Merciful, and Abundant God, we come before You this morning with thanksgiving in our hearts for this glorious day; as well as for the health of body, mind, and spirit that each of us enjoys, to the degree that we were able to rise up this morning and come here today to serve Your purposes.

We are grateful God also for yesterday, a day we know as International Women’s Day—a day to honor women in every culture, in every corner of Your Creation, as well as right here at home in California.

And I ask Your blessing, God, on each of these lawmakers, chosen by the people of their diverse communities to represent them here. As they do this important work, may You infuse them, God, with Your generous Spirit. Inspired by words used by our Governor recently, “The truth is marching on!” may this Senate know the truth that ours is a fine state, and that every Californian—men and women; old and young; black, white, and brown; gay and straight; immigrant and indigenous—that every Californian has something to contribute to the greater good.

And may this truth live on in the words and deeds of each of us, this day and always.—Amen.

Prayer Offered for March 13, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us pray the prayer attributed to St. Patrick from the 5th century: St Patrick’s Breastplate:

I arise today through the mighty strength of the Creator of creation.
I arise today, through the strength of heaven,
light of the sun, radiance of moon,
splendor of fire, speed of lightning,
swiftness of wind, depth of the sea,
stability of the earth, firmness of rock.

I arise today, through God's strength to pilot me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to save me from anyone who would wish me ill.

I summon today
God’s love in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
God’s word in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
God’s vision  in every eye that sees me,
God’s understanding in every ear that hears me.

I arise today through the mighty strength of the Creator of creation.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 16, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rabbi Seth Castleman, President of the Sacramento Area Board of Rabbis

The world traditions teach us that being present as you are present here is what leads us to wisdom, compassion, and understanding. I invite you to take presence a step deeper.

If you feel so called you may shut your eyes and simply feel yourself standing here in the room.

Finding where in your body you can experience your breath, the breath of life, flowing in and out; perhaps in the rising and falling of the belly, the expanding and contracting of the chest, or the whisper at the tip of the nose. For once you can let your belly be soft, nobody is looking, relax your shoulders, and simply notice the breath flowing in and out. If you wish you might consider that your out breath is none other than God’s in breath, and your in breath is but God’s out breath.  

Prayer Offered for March 20, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Imam Kashif Ahmed, Director of Religious and Social Services at the Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM)

O Almighty God, You are compassionate and merciful.

Give us victory over pride so that our common humanity may provoke new inroads of compassion to sympathize more deeply with those in need.

Give us victory over stubbornness. Replace the grudges that hinder our collaboration with forgiveness that opens minds to new possibilities.

Give us victory from the stain of lustful sins. Keep us on the straight path. Cleanse and purify our hearts by the inspiration of Your Words.

O God, none can bring goodness except You, and none can remove evil except You: and there is no power and strength except with Your help.

O God, give these Members of our Senate courageous perseverance, an unshakeable integrity, a spirit that cannot be broken. Bless them with wisdom and discernment to lead our people toward reconciliation, to rebuild our Nation's confidence in justice, to restore our sense of equality. Secure the faith of those present here, thereby securing the heritage and the future of America. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 23, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of the universe, we thank You for Your many good gifts -

For the beauty of Creation and its rich and varied life;

For clean water and fresh air, for food and shelter, animals and plants.


Forgive us for the times we have taken Earth's resources for granted

And wasted what You have given us.

Transform our hearts and minds so that we can learn to care and share,

To touch our earth with gentleness and with love, respecting all living things.


We pray for all those who suffer as a result of our waste, greed and indifference.

Help us to respect the rights of all people and all species, 

And help us to willingly share your gifts today and always.–AMEN.

(Fiona Murdoch, Eco-Congregation Ireland)

Prayer Offered for March 27, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Compassionate Father-Mother God, we ask You to abide with us in all the needs of our lives.

Enable our caring to be wise, our support, honest, and our concerns, thoughtful.

May our loves, as well as our fears, be accurate.

May our spirits be so open to Your guidance that we will become faithfully daring, expectantly patient, and responsibly hopeful with each other and with Your people in the Senate chamber, in our neighborhoods, our state, and our nation. We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

(Adapted from My Heart in My Mouth by Ted Loder.)

Prayer Offered for March 30, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of all peoples and nations:

Show us the suffering of the most miserable;
So we will know our people’s plight.
Free us to pray for others;
For You are present in every person.
Help us to take responsibility for our own lives;
So that we can be free at last.
Grant us courage to serve others;
For in service there is true life.
Bring forth song and celebration;
So that Your Spirit will be alive among us.
Let Your Spirit flourish and grow;
So we will never tire of the struggle.
Let us remember those who have died for justice;
For they have given us life.
Help us love even those who hate us;
So we can change the world.—AMEN.

(Prayer in honor of Cesar Chavez by Rafael Jesus Gonzalez)

Prayer Offered for April 3, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Today, I’d like to do a short human kindness meditation for the healing of our hearts.   I invite you to relax your eyes and gently bring your attention to the rhythm of your heart as you breathe in and out.  This meditation is first of all directed to yourself.  

Feel compassion for yourself as you say the following words quietly:   

May I be healed!     

May my heart open with kindness and peace!

May I be filled with the spirit of loving kindness!

May I be whole! 

Now call to mind your spouse or significant other.   Hear yourself saying to them: 

May you be healed!

May your heart open with kindness and peace!

May you be filled with the spirit of loving kindness!

May you be whole!

Finally, open your heart in a special way to all your constituents, and let your compassion expand even to our whole country and world, as you say:   

May all beings be healed!

May all beings be happy!

May all beings be touched and healed by the force of human kindness!

May the power of our heart, our goodness, and our love bring healing to the world.—AMEN. 

Prayer Offered for April 6, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

If you can live without caffeine;

If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains;

If you can resist complaining;

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time;

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment;

If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend;

If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, gender preference, or politics;

Then, you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog!

Dear God, we ask you for the grace to treat others with the same unconditional love with which our dog treats us, and we thank you for your unconditional love for us at all times.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for April 17, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Ashekian, Holy Trinity Church in Fresno, Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the blessing of this day as we join the honorable members of the California State Senate for this annual tribute to the one and a half million Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. We take this opportunity to convey our gratitude to Senator Anthony Portantino for introducing landmark legislation urging Turkey to restore properties belonging to the Armenian Church and people. In these turbulent times especially, when we witness unrest in many parts of the world, and witness with our own eyes the horrors of ongoing religious and ethnic persecution, we pray for the conversion of hearts from hatred to love, brotherhood, and peace. And for the day when all peoples of all faiths and ethnicities can coexist in harmony and mutual respect and tolerance for one another’s beliefs and background, as we do here in this great nation we are proud to call home.

Though over a century has passed since the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Government, a crime against humanity today largely unrecognized and unpunished, we place our faith, trust, and hope in You, Lord, that we will soon prevail in our righteous cause of raising awareness of this and all genocides, so that we can finally see justice for all victims and an end to the destructive cycle of genocide which continues to plague humanity. Indeed, no matter how much time elapses, we will persist in our noble cause with the united efforts, support, and solidarity of friends like our elected officials here today for which we are eternally grateful.

Lord, may You continue to bless and guide our esteemed legislators as the faithfully serve with honesty and integrity for the best interests for our beloved State of California and all of its residents. May Your blessings, peace, and protection be upon the leadership, armed forces, and citizenry of the United States and all peace loving nations. Today, as we pay tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, remember all those who have undergone a similar fate, praying for the rest of their souls in heaven. We humbly bow before You in praise and gratitude for Your love, mercy, and Your abundant gifts.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for April 20, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.

 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fail;
    God will help her at break of day.
The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Come and see what the Lord has done.
The Lord  says, “Be still, and know that I am God.

Gracious and ever-loving God, give us Your love and Your grace this day, so that we may know Your presence in all the events of our lives.—AMEN

Prayer Offered for April 24, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

 I thank You God for most this amazing
Day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
And a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
Which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(I who have died am alive again today,
And this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth
Day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
Great happening illimitably earth)
How should tasting touching hearing seeing
Breathing any—lifted from the no
Of all nothing—human merely being
Doubt unimaginable You?
(Now the ears of my ears awake and
Now the eyes of my eyes are opened).—AMEN.

("I thank You God for Most this Amazing Day" by E.E. Cummings 100 Selected Poems)

Prayer Offered for April 27, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Basim Elkarra, Executive Director, Council on American Islamic Relations, Sacramento Valley Office

With the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
All praise is for the Lord.

Who never disappoints those who hope in Him, never refuses those who ask of Him, never deprives those who thank Him, and never abandons those who trust and commit themselves to Him. And those who take refuge in Him shall be at ease.

His help we request to fulfill the immense right of the people.

We ask that You enable us to be a community that implements and lives by our constitution.

We ask that You make us a community that is worthy of the names that we advocate when we say that we are caretakers and custodians of the people.

All those who are suffering from sickness please enable us to be the remedy.
All those who are suffering from poverty please enable us to enrich them.
All those who are suffering from Injustice please enable us to be their advocates.
All those suffering from neglect please enable us to be their caretakers.
All those who are in fear please allow us to be their hope.
All those who are broken please enable us to make them whole again.
All those who are hungry enable us to feed them.
All those who are homeless enable us to house them.
All those who are displaced enable us to reunite them with what was once separated from them.

And all those who do not feel loved, we ask You to fortify our hearts with the capacity to love them.\        Help and guide us to achieve this. Grant us sincerity and pure intention in doing this. And fill our hearts with love and compassion for the people we serve

Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace

Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace

Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for May 1, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senator Ted Gaines

            Heavenly Father, please bless this body as we work together to build a California full of love and God’s grace. We meet on this Floor, not as enemies or opponents, but as colleagues and friends committed to working together for everyone in our state.

            God calls on us to mindful of and caring for, one another; and I pray that we’re mindful of His instruction. And let it be our north star in our lives and works, so that we may bring His love and wisdom to bear every minute of every day.

            Our ties are many and strong; our differences, few and weak. It is that union that gives us strength. I pray for healing and strength for us all as we lead this state and this nation. I call on us all, in God’s name, to embrace each other, to respect each other, and to look upon on another as we would our spouses or children or parents, with love in our hearts.

            Dear God, I ask for healing for Jamie Deasy, our friend and protector, who faces a great challenge in her young life. I pray that your plan for her is not fully revealed to us yet. And that she and her family will grow together for decades to come, healthy and happy.

            We spend much of our time in these chambers fighting to cast California in our image. But on this day, O God, I ask that we reflect on Your image of what California should be. Acts 2:26 says, “I have pitched my tent in the land of hope.” I pray that through our actions here, and in our private lives, that we make California a land of hope and the shining city on a hill, for all to come and to build their dreams.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for May 4, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Hanto Yo

God of surprises, You call us from the narrowness of our traditions to new ways of being human,
from the captivities of our culture to creative witness for justice,
from the smallness of our horizons to the magnificence of Your vision.

Clear the way in us, Your people, that we might invite others to freedom and renewed faith.

God of surprises, You call us from preoccupation with our own histories and hurts
to daily tasks of peacemaking,
from privilege and protocol to partnership and pilgrimage,
from isolation and insularity to inclusive community.

Clear the way in us, Your people, that we might invite others to wholeness and integrity.

Holy, transforming Spirit, You call us from fear to faithfulness,

from clutter to clarity,
from a desire to control to deeper trust,

from the refusal to love to a readiness to risk.

Clear the way in us, Your people, that we might all know the beauty and power of spreading Your good news of love.

(Adapted from From One Race the Human Race: Racial Justice Sunday, by Gwyn Cashmore and Joan Puls.)

Prayer Offered for May 8, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

All Creation

All Creation kneels,

a Single Being,

to praise God.


From its immense heart,

it sings myriad songs at once, 

Morning and Evensong, 

Praise and Dirge, 

Alas and Alleluia, 



It sings even over its own scars, 

where the chasms cry out for balm.


It sings both the remembrance

and the hope of blessing.

It sings the endurance of faith

and the confidence of love.


In roar and silence, darkness and light,

Creation kneels, 

a Single Being, 

to praise God.

(By Renee Yann, RSM.)



Prayer Offered for May 11, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Pay close attention to your mean thoughts.

That sourness may be a blessing, as an overcast day brings rain on the roses,

And relief to dry soil.


Don’t look so sourly on your sourness.

It may be that it’s carrying what you most deeply need and want.

What seems to be keeping you from joy may be what leads you to joy.


Don’t call it a dead branch; call it the live moist root.

Don’t always be waiting to see what’s behind it; that wait-and-see can poison your spirit.

Reach for it; hold your meanness to your chest as a healing root,

And be through with waiting.


Creator of All That Is, help us to know today that Your deepest desires are being accomplished in and through us.—AMEN.



Prayer Offered for May 15, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Gracious and loving God, today we ask You to fill us with understanding and trust.

May we come to Understand,
that blessings are everywhere,
that our attitude will effect outcomes,
that challenges are often gifts in disguise.

May we come to Trust
that most things can get better, with time,
that our instincts & gut feelings have value,
that a positive attitude makes things go smoother.

May we come to See
that we have many skills & talents,
that we are a positive influence on many people,
that there are those around us who wish us well.

May we come to Value
that today is a blessing to be enjoyed,
that each person is unique & important,
that each moment of our life has meaning.

We ask this in your name.—AMEN.

(By Abby Willowroot.)

Prayer Offered for May 18, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

[God of all creation,]

I am always looking for You.

You turn the corner

just as I get there,

so I sense You have been present….

You tantalize me

by leaving clues everywhere….

a certain lushness in the air;

beauty that simply stops me, as I see

French lilac on the verge of blossoming,

an old man offering his arm to an older woman,

as they cross a busy road.

How can I have a love affair with the unknown?

How can I persevere for another year,

another day, another minute,
when you never show Your face?....

Prayers are not always answered the way I desire;

life often confuses me.

My bad habits cling to me;

my body and my loved ones grow old;

You keep changing.

Yet, I cannot help it.

…So I keep looking,

and listening, and praying, and I believe

You do leave clues for me. Everywhere.—AMEN.

(“A Love Affair with the Unknown” by Jennifer "Jinks" Hoffman.)

Prayer Offered for May 22, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Tina Greene, RScP, Center for Spiritual Living, Davis

I know that right here and right now, God is all there is and all there is God and all of God is good. In this moment and in every moment, God is moving in us, through us, and as us, as together, we co-create a world that works for everyone.

Knowing that I am one with this power and presence that I call God because I have no other word for it, and that what is true for me is true for each and every person here, I speak my word today for the members of the California State Senate and those who support them, knowing that each of them acts as the hands, heart and mind of God as they bring their best selves forward on behalf of the people of this great state. I know that what needs to be said will be said, what needs to be heard will be heard, and what needs to be understood, will be understood.

Giving thanks for the goodness that is God and the opportunity to know this truth today, I release my word into the light and love that just says, YES, to our intention. YES. YES. YES!

And so it is.—AMEN.


Prayer Offered for May 26, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Today we will reflect on a few lines of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.”


…Why should I wish to see God better than this day?

I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four,

And each moment then.

In the faces of men and women I see God,

And in my own face in the glass.

I find letters from God dropt in the street,

And every one is signed by God’s name….


Gracious and loving God, help us to be awake and alert to the clues of your loving presence strewn all over our hearts.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for May 30, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of mercy and compassion, be with us this day as we work to bring wholeness to a world of brokenness, mistrust, and infidelity.

Send the light of Your abundant love to those who are lonely and afraid.

Break the chains of those imprisoned by hate and fear.

Wrap our doubts and failures in the arms of Your forgiveness.

Give healing comfort to those mourning the loss of loved ones, whether through illness, war, or natural disaster.

May we be Your instruments of mercy and peace today. Give us the courage to challenge all that enslaves the human spirit. We ask this in Your name.—AMEN. 

(The Morning and Evening Prayer of the Sisters of Mercy.)

Prayer Offered for May 31, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Blessed be the house that offers the traveler a place of rest.

Blessed be the table that sets a banquet for the stranger to share.

Blessed be the heart that opens to welcome the one who cannot repay.

Blessed be the one who receives and the one who gives.

Blessed be the belonging we can sense when the heart is still.

Blessed be the space created by kindness in which we step into our potential.

Blessed be mercy in all of its facets for it invites us to unwrap its gifts

And sing with all creation a song of joy.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Anne McMillan, RSM in Boots, Cracked Pots, and a Place at the Table by Madeline Duckett, RSM.)

Prayer Offered for June 1, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

In imitating Christ

we mustn’t once forget

he seldom went alone.

His friends were those

who needed friends themselves.

A teacher, he was often taught

And not just by his father

But by the flock he shepherded

From torment into love.

He was the wisest of his wise men.

That didn’t come by chance;

It came from caring.

(“Lessons” from The Carols of Christmas, by Rod McKuen.)

Gracious God, we thank You today for the caring that You have placed in our hearts for our brothers and sisters. Thank You for our families and friends who give us the space to do Your work, and who support us in our joyful and difficult days.  And help us to be grateful for the voices that challenge us—challenge us to go deeper into the reasons for and the consequences of our decisions. May we continue to incarnate Your vision in our world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for June 5, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM


Gracious and loving Creator, we pray for renewed hope in our ability to mend the brokenness of our world, because in the words of Denise Levertov:

… we have only begun to love the earth.

We have only begun to imagine the fullness of life.

How could we tire of hope? —so much is in bud.

How can desire fail? —we have only begun to imagine justice and mercy,

only begun to envision how it might be to live as siblings with beast and flower, not as oppressors.

Surely our river cannot already be hastening into the sea of nonbeing?

Surely it cannot drag in the silt all that is innocent?

Not yet, not yet— there is too much broken that must be mended,

too much hurt we have done to each other that cannot yet be forgiven.

We have only begun to know the power that is in us

if we would join our solitudes in the communion of struggle.

So much is unfolding that must complete its gesture,

so much is in bud.—AMEN.

(“Beginners” by Denise Levertov in Candles in Babylon.)

Prayer Offered for June 8, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Abraham Joshua Heschel said: Prayer cannot bring water to parched fields, or mend a broken bridge, or rebuild a ruined city; but prayer can water an arid soul, mend a broken heart, and rebuild a weakened will.

Gracious and loving God, who sees deeply into our souls and hearts and wills, we trust in your desire to refresh the dryness of our souls with the moist breath of your spirit. Our hearts are broken by so many circumstances in our lives—heal us with the tenderness of your mercy.

And strengthen our wills to find creative solutions to the many problems confronting us daily, as we live with awe and wonder at the “inconceivable surprise of living.” We ask this in your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for June 12, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

O God, who weeps at fractured lives,

Inspire us to heal the hurting.

Help us to seal the cracks

Created by our complicity in failing to love.

May our words and actions speak love and not complacency.


May we choose love—

When faced with mindless hate,

Love—when faced with retaliation,

Love—when tempted by deception,

Love—when addressing the  issues of our time.


May we choose love—

When speaking with our neighbors,

Love—when lured by bad choices,

Love—when electing leaders.


May we choose love—

when facing racism, sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia.

In all the things we do, in all the words we say,

May we always choose love,

And demonstrate our love with action.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Ann Freeman Price and Ciona D. Rouse in Alive Now.)

Prayer Offered for June 15, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Gracious and loving God, may we work this day as if everything depends on us, and pray as if everything depends on you. The following poem by Wendell Berry is called “This Day.

Whatever is foreseen in joy

Must be lived out from day to day,

Vision held open in the dark

By our ten thousand days of work.

Harvest will fill the barn; for that

The hand must ache, the face must sweat.

And yet no leaf or grain is filled

By work of ours; the field is tilled

And left to grace. That we may reap,

Great work is done while we’re asleep.

When we work well, a Sabbath mood

Rests on our day, and finds it good.—AMEN

Prayer Offered for June 19, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Dr. Joy Johnson, Pastor of Agape Alive Church of Roseville and President of Sacramento Area Congregations Together (ACT)

            Eternal God, our Father, thou whose Wisdom has created us! Your Eternity overarches our days and undergirds our lives!!!

            We thank You that today we stand at the gates of “new” understandings!

            Grant, oh God, that the political leaders and staff assigned to this chamber will serve with broad understanding and penetrating vision and unswerving devotion to lasting principles of freedom and justice for all who reside in the great state of California.

            These are they, who are made for that which is high and noble!

            These are they, whom You have fashioned for such a time as this!

            I pray Your divine protection for each legislator! Help these men and women to follow Your creative works in this world. Help them, oh Lord, to discover how best to use their particular gifting to cultivate “just” policies that lead to a flourishing society!! May all their differences be beneficial to advancements for the whole population and not just the few!!

            We thank You that Your ways are higher than ours, alone.  And, Your ways are made known with each new day!! May You always be glorified by our cities, our states, and our nation!!! For the kingdom’s sake.—AMEN

Prayer Offered for June 22, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Deacon Sergio Diaz of the Diocese of Sacramento

            Almighty god, source of all goodness in our lives.  Merciful and compassionate God, we beseech You:  hear our prayer!

            Loving Father, illuminate our minds with Your wisdom that in Your light we may distinguish and discern right from wrong and good from evil.

            Temper our appetites for power and prestige, and satiate us with piety and peace of mind and heart, as we strive to serve those who entrust us with their lives and well-being.

            Grace us with Your courage to uphold the rights of the mighty as well as the lowly, and to be the voice for the voiceless when they have no one else but me.

            Endow us with patience to listen with open mind and heart to opposing views that through collaboration we can bring about the common good.

            Bless us with humility to accept our limitations and to remember that apart from You we can do nothing.

            Finally, Lord help us to love ourselves, and others as You love us.  For we are entrusted with grave responsibility; and, only by abiding in Your love, can we hope to discharge our sworn duty to serve.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for June 26, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Claire Graham of the Sisters of Social Service

            Oh timeless, eternal God, help us to look to the past with gratitude, and to the future with hope.  Today we remember those who have gone before us here, who worked not for themselves alone but with a vision of building for the future a better world than they had known. Inspire in us a similar vision, that we, too, might labor for things beyond ourselves, that our lives may be dedicated to high purposes and the common good. Make us unafraid of hopes and dreams; release us from cynicism and despair. Teach us to be realistic about our limitations, but never to lose hope in our ability to transcend them.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for June 29, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Deacon Joseph A. O'Donnell of the Diocese of Sacramento

            God, from whom all creation is a loving gift, You have charged us, Your beloved people, with the responsibility to be the stewards of these gifts, of which, California is so richly endowed. Guide us so that our actions remain in harmony with all of Your creation. For through harmony we find security and peace. Guide us as we are affective in hearing the concerns of the people of California and make us effective in our work to resolve the many difficult issues before us. Give us the fortitude and self-esteem to look beyond the frailties of others and to admit to our own frailties and together move forward seeking wise solutions. Grant us the character to grow always in our capacity to listen. For all this we humbly pray. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered for July 3, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Karen Abrego, Associate Pastor at Ebenezer Christian Center in Sacramento and Constituent Case Manager in the Office of Dr. Richard Pan, Senator 6th District

            Eternal Creator, we thank You for a new day to serve You. We thank You for sacrifices each elected official has made to serve the great state of California and its people.

            We stand before You at this moment to focus our attention on You and the work before this house.  I ask for Your blessing over those You have selected and appointed to lead our great state.  You offer wisdom to any that ask for it, so today, we ask that Your wisdom would be upon each of these leaders.  As each matter is considered today may we be mindful of the individuals and families who will be impacted by each decision. 

            We also take a moment to acknowledge that tomorrow we will celebrate the freedom we enjoy in our beloved county and we thank You for that freedom.  We are well aware that freedom always comes with a price and we thank You for those, who have given their all for the freedom we enjoy.   Be with us now, we pray. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered for July 6, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Basim Elkarra, Executive Director, Council on American Islamic Relations, Sacramento Valley Office

            Yours is all praise, in Your gentleness and pardon. O You who covers our faults. You whose goodness envelops all.
            We praise You with a praise as abundant as raindrops, grains of sand, and pebbles, as abundant as the plants of the earth, and the fish in the sea.  
            We praise You with an abundant  praise, a praise which fills the sky, throne and the stars that glisten above.
            Favor us, o most forgiving Lord, with a repentance that effaces the mistakes which we have made.
            And increase us in blessings, and light, and enable us to guide the people.
            Support us in what we say and do, and make easy our provision from a place we do not know.
            Efface us from our egos and sustain us always in You.
            We ask You to make us from amongst the best who govern and make judgment.
            We ask that You protect us, and grant our families, loved ones, those who love us, and those who do not, and those who do not know love, love.
            Because love is the most powerful ruler, the most relentless conqueror. And if we are able to govern with love, then we will have governed according to the highest degree and will have truly fulfilled our trust with the people.
            With this, we ask that You accept this prayer from us. For You are the Most Merciful who accepts prayers.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for July 13, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            We awaken in our time to a universe which is holy,

            to creation, which is not an event in the past, but a living event of the present. 

            We enter a new mode of human presence where we are not merely observers, but where each of us is a participant in this moment of evolution.

            And so we pray, Gracious, Gentle Spirit of Love, Your energy permeates the universe, igniting Earth with Your goodness, truth, and beauty. 

            Open our minds and hearts to an ever-deeper awareness of our interconnectedness with You, each other, and all creation.

            May we experience Your unique presence within the sacred web of creation.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for July 10, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            As we center ourselves in God’s holy presence, we recall the words of St. Augustine: “Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are Anger and Courage: Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.”

            Gracious and loving God, each day our hope in the goodness of humankind is renewed as we witness the generosity of our brothers and sisters in caring for each other.

            Today we pray in thanksgiving for all those who act with courage to put the needs of another before their own safety.

            We pray for those whose righteous anger fires them up to push for improvements in the lives of those who suffer.

            We pray for a spirit of non-violence for all of us as we encounter the surprises and challenges of each day.

            May we continue to hope for the transformation of ourselves and our world as we ask: Loving God, where do You desire to lead us this day in our care for one another and for our suffering world? May we respond with generosity and courage.—AMEN. 

Prayer Offered for July 17, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst for the waters of life,
And having fallen [too much] in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity….

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.

We ask You to push back the horizons of our hopes,
And to push us into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love.—AMEN.

 (Attributed to  Sir Francis Drake.)

Prayer Offered for July 20, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Gracious and loving Creator, we ask Your blessing on all those who have labored for the common good of our state and country this season— all those within and far beyond the confines of this State Capitol.  We pray for continued hope in our ability to mend the brokenness of our world. The poet, Denise Levertov reminds us:

            … we have only begun to love the earth.

            We have only begun to imagine the fullness of life.

            How could we tire of hope? —so much is in bud.

            How can desire fail? —we have only begun to imagine justice and mercy,

            Only begun to envision how it might be to live as siblings with beast and flower, not as oppressors….

            We have only begun to know the power that is in us

            [When we] join our solitudes in the communion of struggle.

            So much is unfolding that must complete its gesture,

            So much is in bud.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for August 21, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

          Loving God, as our legislature reconvenes to complete the work of this session,

            May their integrity of mind, heart, and will eclipse the challenges to their image brought

about by fear, greed, and entitlement.

            May the work they do help to repair fractured relationships, bringing all of us into right relationship with one another, with our suffering world, and with our wounded earth. 

            May they be known as repairers of the breach, and restorers of the streets in which to dwell. (Isaiah 58:9-12)

            And may each of their constituents also work to know what part of our world God has left for us to repair.

            We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for August 28, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Pierre Teilhard de Chardin spent his life being misunderstood by both his church and the scientific community.  The following is a piece of advice by him:


            Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
            We are quite naturally impatient for everything
            to reach the end without delay.
            We would like to skip the intermediate stages….

            And yet it is the law of all progress
            that it is made by passing through
            some stages of instability—
            and that it may take a very long time.


            And so I think it is with you;
            your ideas mature gradually…
            let them shape themselves, without undue haste.

            Don’t try to force them on,
            as though you could be today what…

            grace and circumstances…
            will make of you tomorrow.


            Only God can say what this new spirit… will be.
            Let [God’s] hand lead you,
            and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
            in suspense and incomplete.


            Gracious God, help us to discern where we need to wait with patience and where we have waited long enough.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for September 1, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

In the flood that is this life
some waters will sweep your home away
and others stop at your doorstep.
There is no choosing, no deserving
in their rising or receding.
On any given day one of us is picnicking,
another swimming for our lives.
For all of us some day waters will rise,
and with them,
beside us in the water, a reaching out,
above the swirling flood, a reaching out.
So many reaching out.
This is what we have to stand on.
(Adapted from Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes)
    God of all creation, You have told us through the prophet Isaiah (43:2,4) that when we pass through the waters, You will be with us, and that even fire will not consume us. Help us to continue reaching out to those in need and to accept with humility the hands that continually reach out to us with encouragement and love.—AMEN.  


Prayer Offered for August 31, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            God of mercy and compassion, we thank You for the outpouring of care and concern for all those suffering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey.  May they experience some consolation in this time of immense stress and anxiety.  And we pray in the words of Jan Richardson:

For all that enfolds us

for each word of grace

and every act of care;

for those who offer refuge

for each shelter given

and every welcome space;

for the healing of our souls

for balm and rest

for soothing and sleep;

for vigils kept and for lights kept burning;

we give thanks.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for August 24, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Chairman Leland Kinter, Dehe Wintun Nation

                God, please grant me the strength to pray today, and help our leaders and decision makers with all the hard things that they have to do in these Chambers. And make sure that we have the strength to do the right thing.

Prayer Offered for September 6, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of the generations,

When we set our hands to labor,

Thinking that we work alone,

Remind us that we carry

On our lips the words of prophets,

In our veins the blood of martyrs,

In our eyes the mystics’ visions,

And in our hands the strength of thousands.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Jan Richardson, Wisdom’s Path: Discovering the Sacred in Every Season.)

Prayer Offered for September 5, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

             God of all peoples and nations, help us remember that we are in constant development.
            Let us enter lovingly into the merits of each person we meet.
            Let what calls us to action be motives of admiration…and reverential regard everywhere in our environment.
            In culture, may we promote Liberty;
            In politics, may we promote Equality;
            In economics, may we promote Service to Others;
            In family and community, may we promote Inclusivity and Love.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for September 7, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Gracious and ever-loving God, we come before You with fragile lives—with dreams, hearts, and bodies too often broken.

            What can we believe except that You will not despise our broken hearts?

            What can we believe except that only what is first broken, like bread, can be shared?

            God of mercy, help our unbelief:

            That we may have the courage to love the enemies we have the integrity to make;

            That we may have the courage to continue beyond our little prayers and careful creeds to bring forth the just and beloved society that is within our capacity to create;

            That we may continue to care for each other in tragedies great and small.

            We trust in Your unfailing help.—AMEN.

                (Adapted from Ted Loder, Guerrillas of Grace.)

Prayer Offered for January 3, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Loving Creator, Eternal Friend,

Grant us an ease to breathe deeply of this moment,

This light, this miracle of NOW.

Beneath the din and fury of great movements

And harsh news, and urgent crises,

Make us attentive still to good news,

To small occasions, and the grace of what is possible

For us to be, to do, to give, to receive—

That we may miss neither our neighbor’s gift

Nor our enemy’s need.

Precious God, grant us the eyes to see

With the one who saw signs of your kingdom

In salt and yeast, in pearls and seeds,

In travelers and tax collectors, in foreigners and fishermen,

That we may follow your call in justice and joy.—AMEN.

(Adapted from “I Need to Breathe” by Ted Loder.)

Prayer Offered for September 12, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sister Bridget McCarthy, RSM, Vice President, Mission Integration for Dignity Health, Sacramento Service Area

            One evening a Cherokee elder told his grandson about a battle going on inside people.  He told his grandson that the battle is between two wolfs that live inside all of us.

            One wolf is EVIL: It is about anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

            The other wolf is GOOD: It is about joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

            The grandson thought about it for a minute, and then asked his grandfather; which wolf wins”?  The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one who wins is the one you feed.”

            So the question is….which wolf do you feed most frequently?

            Let us always choose the good wolf, the one that is inclusive and respects the dignity of all persons; the one that sees the face of God in every human being and strives to make others do likewise; the one that radiates God’s love and joy; the one that shows God’s mercy, tenderness and compassion to the most vulnerable in society. If this is our choice, then we have chosen wisely!—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for September 13, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

We turn toward the light of loving-kindness to direct us.

We bow deeply to the Awakened One and to our spiritual ancestors.

Today we begin anew to purify and free our hearts.

With immeasurable compassion to help humankind, we resolve to live beautifully.

May our heart’s garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.

May mountains and rivers be our witness in this moment

As we bow our heads and request the Lord of Compassion to embrace us all.—AMEN

(By Thich Nhat Hanh.)

Prayer Offered for September 14, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

This is my prayer to you, my lord—

Strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.

Give me the strength lightly to bear my joys and sorrows.

Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.

Give me the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees before insolent might.

Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.

And give me the strength to surrender my strength to your will with love.—AMEN

(By Rabindranath Tagore.)

Prayer Offered for September 15, 2017

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

As you bring closure to this legislative session, we remember Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:

                There is a time for everything,
                and a season for every activity under the heavens:

                a time to be born and a time to die,

                a time to tear down and a time to build,
                a time to weep and a time to laugh,
                a time to mourn and a time to dance,
                a time to search and a time to give up searching,
                a time to keep and a time to let go,
                a time to speak and a time to be silent.

                 The writer of Ecclesiastes concludes—there is nothing better for us than to be happy and to do good while we live.

                May you be blessed for the good you have worked to accomplish this session.  You will continue to be in my prayers with gratitude.

Prayer Offered for January 4, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of the small, the subtle, the unimportant,
God of the vague, the cloudy, the ambiguous,
open our  hearts to your presence.
Open our eyes to the little signs,
our ears to the soft murmurs.
Slow us down to listen and hear the cries of the unspoken.
Awaken us to the losses that are blessings,
Awaken us to the wounds that are openings,
Awaken us to the weaknesses that are the sources of your strength.
Wake us from the stupor of busyness, the daze of desire,
to witness your drawing near, to behold your presence,
even in these ordinary moments,
these feeble prayers,
these beating hearts.—Amen.
(Adapted from Unfolding Light by Steve Garnaas-Holmes.)

Prayer Offered for January 8, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Do you want to do something to help the world situation?

Then look within.

As you change your consciousness to love, peace, harmony, and unity,

The consciousness of the whole world will change.

(Adapted from Eileen Caddy.)

            God of all consciousness, you know the deepest desires of our hearts.  May we never tire of bringing our love and energies to creating a world where all will feel at home and secure. We ask this in your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 12, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Senior Pastor Joseph Sissac, Center of Praise Ministries

            To You Lord we are grateful for another day to live and to serve, giving honor unto Your name. We are thankful for this day and opportunity to remember the legacy and dream of Your servant Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Grant us today the grace, as You did Dr. King, to “discern righteousness and justice and equity and every good course.” (Pr. 2:9). Align our hearts and actions with that of Your Son, that we have NOT “come to be served, but to serve” (Mt. 20:28). I pray for each and every one assembled here today that the labor of their hands would in the words of Dr. King produce, “out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.” Bless those here today to collaborate, to legislate, to do justice and to serve those who sent them, upon this stone of hope. Give us hope today. Hope for tomorrow. Hope to live the dream. In Your name we pray.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 16, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rev. Lucy Bunch, Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

            Holy Spirit, known by many names and beyond all names.

            We ask Your blessings on the people who have been called to lead in our state.

            We ask that love be their ground of being and action. Remind them that, everyone—all races, creeds, religions, sexual and gender orientations—is our neighbor, our sibling. Help them to remember to respect and protect the least of those among us— those who live on the margins, those who are alone, those who are forgotten.

            Grant them and us the wisdom and courage to know and do what is good and true. Grant them the integrity to know the truth and to speak out when it is time to speak out and listen, patiently and receptively, when it is time to listen. May they always be guided by the spirit of community, by the spirit of justice, and by the spirit of love.

            This we pray in the name of the divine spirit that holds and connects us all.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 18, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired(Fannie Lou Hamer)

            Today we bring ourselves into Your presence again—

            God of Martin and Rosa, of Fannie Lou and Harriet;

            God of Malcolm, Harvey, and Cesar,

            of Tenzin, Desmond, and Malala;

            God of Pope Francis:

            We do not ask to see the road ahead.

            We do not ask for power or brilliance.

            Give us passion.

            Give us gratitude for our companions on the journey.

            Open our hearts to our oneness with all people,

            That we may work for justice and healing,

            Not because we ought to, but because we know it is right and good.

            God of all who have suffered, all who have struggled, all who have yearned for love:

            We are millions, and we are one.

            Give us this day that we may give it back to You, radiant with hope.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 22, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Behold, I am doing something new; can you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19)

            God of all creation, teach us the joy of being.

            Encourage us to be present to the gifts that are ours and lead us to greater joy and gratitude. 

            Grant us the courage to be our true selves, to let go of being so concerned about what others think, or of how successful we are.

            Strengthen our inner freedom so that we may celebrate, enjoy, delight in, and embrace our life in all its mystery.

            Guide us to our inner child. Draw us to Your playground of creativity, God of life, so that we will live more fully.—AMEN.

(Adapted from The Cup of our Life by Joyce Rupp.)

Prayer Offered for January 25, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

If we utter the word mercy,

Standing, each of us, by an open window

Anywhere we are in the world,

Then the word mercy will carry on the soundwaves

Onwards and unceasing,

Through the air of the wounded world.

And maybe, when it takes flight

Into deed and kindness, justice and effort,

It will effect a healing, a hope and a blessing.

It may call the homeless home,

It may coax to hope the betrayed and broken,

It may ease the burdened earth.

Listen for it….

Listen for its neighborly dialects and global idiom.

Imagine those who, like you, are saying it aloud,

And those who need to hear it, today….

One word, one deed of justice, one kind effort at a time.

 (“Mercy” by Mary Wickham, RSM.)

Gracious God, give us the courage to say and be mercy today.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 29, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

    God of the past, present, and future, You have told us through our scriptures that You have called us by name (Isaiah 43:1), You hold our tears in a flask (Psalm 56:8); that our lives are worth more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:29).
    Grant us the grace to value all persons for their presence, their gifts, their contributions to the ongoing evolution of our civilizations.
    Banish from our hearts fear, prejudice, arrogance, and all that would prevent us from appreciating the beauty of all You have created.
    We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for January 30, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            International Holocaust Remembrance Day was on Saturday, January 27. 

            Let us remember those whose lives were so brutally taken from them, and may we be alert to all that can happen on our watch.


At the rising of the sun and at its going down

We remember them…

When we are weary and in need of strength

We remember them.

When we are lost and sick at heart

We remember them.

When we have joy we crave to share

We remember them.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make

We remember them.

When we have achievements that are based on theirs

We remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live;

for they are now a part of us

as we remember them.

(Adapted from “We Remember Them” by Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Riemer.)

Prayer Offered for February 1, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Reverend Robert Lee IV

Creator of the sun and stars, we call You by many names and come to You in humility and in excitement for the day ahead. We know that we live in a world of paralyzing polarization and disagreements that leave us confused, distracted, and disheartened.

Speak to us once again Your words of comfort and of challenge. Speak to this body so that it may be for the world a beacon of hope, justice, equality, and sound governance.

In this golden state may we seek the true north and central message of Your Being: that we are all in this together and bound together for the tasks that lie ahead. May we treat each other with intrinsic dignity, fairness, and respect.

Most of all, Holy One, may we seek a better tomorrow for our children and our children’s children. May we be so bold as to enact policy that engages the last and the least so that everyone may be brought to Your table of grace.

This we ask in the name of equity, light, and love.—AMEN.

February 5, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

We are all familiar with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s image of being a drum major for justice.  We may not be as familiar with Marian Wright Edelman’s biting image that says:

You just need to be a flea against injustice.

Enough committed fleas biting strategically

Can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable

And transform even the biggest nation.

In the course of the day, you might consider what image you would use to describe yourself in your legislative efforts. 

And so we pray, God of justice and mercy, You have made each one of us unique and in Your image. You have called us with our particular gifts and talents to be leaders, legislators, linguists of justice.  May we not be deterred by our fears or failures or regrets; rather, may we trust Your hand to lead us, Your love to hold us close, and Your Spirit to breathe life, energy, and determination into the work of our days.—AMEN.


Prayer Offered for February 8, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

God of mercy, may those deprived of freedom and dignity find consolation in the life of Josephine Bakhita. Transform and heal the hearts of those who inflict pain and anguish on others.  Give hope and resilience to all those working to eradicate this crime of slavery around the world and in California.—AMEN. 

Prayer Offered for February 12, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

So this is the Year of the Dog. I’d like to revisit a prayer from a few months ago:

If you can be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,

If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, gender, or politics,—then, you have almost reached the same level of spiritual development as your dog!

Dear God, we ask You for the grace to treat others with the same unconditional love with which our dog treats us, and we thank You for your unconditional love for us at all times.—AMEN.


Prayer Offered for February 16, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Say not, “I have found the truth,” but rather, “I have found a truth.”
Say not, “I have found the path of the soul.”

Say rather, “I have met the soul walking upon my path.”
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

(“The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran.)


God of mystery and wonder, grant that our unfolding may bring joy and peace to those who encounter us on the path.  We ask this in Your name.—AMEN.


Prayer Offered for February 20, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

Let us consider the blessings of our humanness as we ponder Rumi’s poem, “The Guest House.”

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows
who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.

[They] may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The [negative] thought, the shame, the malice—
meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes
because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. 

(Adapted from the translation by Coleman Barks in The Essential Rumi.)

Loving God, help us to be alert for those unexpected visitors of negativity. May their appearance not cause us to lose our composure and our gracious desire to bring peace and love to our world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 22, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

At the beginning of Lorraine Hansberry’s play, A Raisin in the Sun, she uses Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” as an epigraph:


What happens to a dream deferred?


Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore—

And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over—

like a syrupy sweet?


Maybe it just sags

like a heavy load.


Or does it explode?


God of Mercy and compassion, in the midst of broken and deferred dreams, we ask for the grace and courage to face the injustices of our time with strength and integrity for the sake of the common good and the future of our children.  We ask this in your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for February 26, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Libby Fernandez, RSM, Founder of Mercy Pedalers

For the expanding grandeur of Creation, we give thanks this day.

For this fragile planet, Earth, we give thanks this day.

For the joy of human life, its wonders and surprises, we give thanks.

For our human community, our oneness transcending all separation, we give thanks.

And we pray for faith without fanaticism, for understanding of views not shared.

We pray for all who labor and suffer for a fairer world.

We pray that we may live, not by our fears, but by our hopes,

Not by our words but by our deeds.—AMEN.

(Adapted from a prayer by Rev. O. Eugene Pickett, Unitarian Universalist.)

Prayer Offered for March 1, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Libby Fernandez, RSM, Founder of Mercy Pedalers

                Spirit of God, we long to mend the broken circle.

                We long to heal the fractures in the world around us and within our own souls: to transform those parts of ourselves and our world that block our making contact with our deepest reality, and with the deepest most sacred dimensions of all other beings.

              Spirit of God, we long to see reality: to contact our deepest yearning for a world pulsating with justice and truth, to create a society where all sit down at the Great Banquet, where all persons eat until they are full.

            Spirit of God, we long to discover anew the courage deep within us: to see and to listen, to discover our true selves, to take steps to stop the cycle of violence, in our homes, in our work-places, in our neighborhoods, in our country, and in our whole world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 5, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

We are a feather on the breath of God.


            Holy Spirit, giving life to all life,
            moving all creatures, root of all things,
            washing us clean, wiping out our mistakes,

            healing our wounds:

            You are our true life, luminous, wonderful,
            awakening the heart

            from its ancient sleep.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Hildegard of Bingen.)

Prayer Offered for March 8, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

On this International Women’s Day, Audre Lorde encourages us when she says:

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”

Gracious and loving God, as we enter a new mode of human presence where women are not merely observers, but where each can be a participant in this moment of evolution, we are determined to be bold participants, rather than timid saints-in-waiting; we choose to exercise the authority of honesty, rather than to fearfully defer to power; we wish to influence others for justice, rather than impress them for gain; and, by Your grace, we will bring treasures of joy, friendship, and peace to our world when we all use our strength in the service of our vision.—AMEN.

(Adapted from Wrestling the Light by Ted Loder.)

Prayer Offered for March 12, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

The Map You Make Yourself

A Blessing for Women


You have looked at so many doors with longing,
wondering if your life lay on the other side.

For today, choose the door that opens to the inside.

Travel the most ancient way of all:
the path that leads you to the center of your life.

No map but the one you make yourself.

No provision but what you already carry

and the grace that comes to those who walk the pilgrim’s way.

Speak your blessing as you set out and watch how your rhythm slows,
the cadence of the road drawing you into the pace that is your own…

Do not expect to return by the same road.
Home is always by another way,
and you will know it, not by the light that waits for you

but by the star that blazes inside you,
telling you that where you are is holy
and you are welcome here.

(Adapted from The Wise Women Also Came by Jan Richardson.)


Sprit of God, Sophia, we ask Your blessing on the women we are honoring today. You know each of them by name. May they always experience the depth of Your love.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 19, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            A Vision
            If we will have the wisdom to survive,
            to stand like slow-growing trees on a ruined place, renewing, enriching it…
            then a long time after we are dead the lives our lives prepare will live
            here, their houses strongly placed upon the valley sides,

            fields and gardens rich in the windows.

            The river will run clear, as we never know it, and over it, birdsong like a canopy….
            Families will be singing in the fields.

            They will take nothing from the ground they will not return….

            The abundance of this place, the songs of its people and its birds,
            will be health and wisdom and indwelling light.

            This is no paradisal dream.
            Its hardship is its possibility.

(Adapted from The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry.)


            Gracious God, We ask for the grace of perseverance to bring justice and peace to all our people. We ask this in your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 22, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Let us pray for the women and children who spend hours each day walking to collect water.

            Let us pray for those in our state who are affected by either too much water or not enough water.

            Good and gracious God, we ask for humility to see all the ways we take water for granted. Have mercy on those who are sick or in need because they cannot access safe water. We are thankful for your gift of water seen in the beauty of waterfalls, lakes, rivers, and oceans full of amazing creatures. Help us to be better stewards of this finite resource. We ask all of this in your name.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for March 21, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rabbi Laurie Coskey, Ed.D.

              This afternoon we come with hearts deeply thankful for all the gifts we have. We are thankful to those who have helped Senator Atkins arrive at this historic moment: your sister Teni (Tina) and her family, your spouse Jennifer and in-laws Jack and Kate, and your mentor and friend, former Senator Christine Kehoe.

            We are thankful for our Governor and your colleagues in the Senate and the Assembly whose hearts are overflowing with pride and gladness today.

            As you assume your new responsibilities to lead our Senate as President Pro Tempore, may you be empowered to bear the responsibility of leadership with the wisdom and tenacity of our Biblical foremothers: Miriam, Judith, Devorah, Shifra and Puah, Mary, Pricilla and so many others who were written out of history just as today we write Toni Atkins into history.

            May your wisdom and compassion inspire you to stand in solidarity with the needy and the poor, defeat injustice, and unify our state.

            May you be guided to know and to do what is right, to challenge and defy anything, anything at all, that would diminish justice in our state, in our country and in the world.

            May we all view this remarkable moment as an invitation to move forward, driven by purpose and determination, the work of repairing a world still struggling to overcome injustice, hate, and intolerance.

            May all of our intentions be sincere, our labor selfless, and may our beautiful state continue to be a moral compass pointing us toward justice and inspiring others to follow.

            In my Jewish tradition we recite a particular blessing when something new and wonderful happens in our lives. We say: Praised are you, God of many names, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this great and auspicious moment together.……Shehechianu, v’kiyamanu, v’ higianu lazman hazeh.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for April 2, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Sr. Michelle Gorman, RSM

            Spirit of God, we long to mend the broken circle:

            To heal the fractures in the world around us, and within our own souls.

            Spirit of God, we long to see reality:

            To contact our deepest yearning for a world pulsating with justice and truth,

            To create a society where all sit down at the Great Banquet,

            Where all persons eat until they are full.

            Spirit of God, we long to discover anew the courage deep within us:

            To see and to listen, to discover our true selves,

            To take steps to stop the cycle of violence, in our homes, in our work-places, in our neighborhoods, in our country, and in our whole world.—AMEN.

Prayer Offered for April 5, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Rabbi Seth Castleman

Holy One of Blessing, whose presence fills Creation, bless this hallowed chamber. Its gilded walls and pillars proclaim the cherished history of this assembled body. Just as each and every one of us is a body well assembled and imbued with the spirit of holiness, so too, this Senate body well assembled and imbued with the spirit of its maker—the people of the California.

            And just as each are reminded to live out the divine mystery of holiness that is inherent in human life, so too may this body live-out the will of the people it represents. People. Not voters. Not consumers. Not business interests. Not teachers or corporations, or students or construction workers. Not prison guards or prisoners. Not Latino or black or Asian American or Caucasian. People. Humans imbued with the spirit of the divine, pursuing progress and fruition, aspiring towards goodness. People who expect integrity, ingenuity, thought, and care on behalf of all. May God bless this Chamber. —AMEN.

Prayer Offered for April 9, 2018

Prayer Date:
Prayer Offered By:
Basim Elkarra, Executive Director Council on American Islamic Relations, Sacramento Valley Office

With the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, all praise is for the Lord.

            Who never disappoints those who hope in Him, never refuses those who ask of Him, never deprives those who thank Him, and never abandons those who trust and commit themselves to Him.       Those who take refuge in Him shall be at ease.

            His help, we request, to fulfill the immense right of the people.

            We ask that You enable us to be a community that implements and lives by our Constitution.

            We ask that You make us a community that is worthy of the names that we advocate, when we say that we are caretakers and custodians of the people.

            All those who are suffering from sickness, please enable us to be the remedy.

            All those who are suffering from poverty, please enable us to enrich them.

            All those who are suffering from Injustice, please enable us to be their advocates.

            All those suffering from neglect, please enable us to be their caretakers.

            All those who are in fear, please allow us to be their hope.

            All those who are broken, please enable us to make them whole again.

            All those who are hungry, enable us to feed them.

            All those who are homeless, enable us to house them.

            All those who are displaced, enable us to reunite them with what was once separated from them.

            And all those who do not feel loved, we ask You to fortify our hearts with the capacity to love them.

            Help and guide us to achieve this. Grant us sincerity and pure intention in doing this, and fill our hearts with love and compassion for the people we serve.

            Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace

            Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace

            Oh Lord You are peace and from You comes peace.—AMEN.
